Part 17

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I roll over on the soft surface and into a hard object smelling of ginger and cypress. The other person in the bed turns over and slings their arm over my waist. Spring soap hits my senses. I sigh in contempt and snuggle into Dr Green's side. I woke up some point later in the night, blisteringly hot. I tossed and turned but didn't cool down. The heat was over powering, I wondered if I had a fever and turned to ask Dr Green if he could check. He wasn't there, neither was Mr Blackbourne. I threw the covers back and put my feet onto the floor. I walked to the door and was hit with a blast of heat. Flames are everywhere. My eyes widen and change to the colour of my wolf's. I call out for anyone but don't get a response. All of a sudden, the flames in the hall part leaving a space for me to walk through. I rush through scared that it will engulf me. I enter the living room and see the mysterious guy in the white mask stood in the middle of the room holding a torch of flames.

"You can't run away this time, Sang. History will repeat itself." He says in his creepy mechanical voice before he fades away. I look around the room; the flames are in a circle around me, not touching anything else. A young woman comes running in.

"GO!" I scream at her. I don't recognise her; she has dark blond hair and green eyes. She acts as if she didn't hear me and she can't see the flames. Her eyes go frantically around the room. I run to the edge of the circle trying to get to her, but the flames rise up warning me not to go any further. She runs through the flames, towards me and then through me. She appears to be looking for something, when she appears to have found it she straightens up and turns to exit the room. She freezes and a look of terror comes onto her face. I turn to see where she is looking and see the man in the mask has returned and is blocking her way out of the room, holding a very confused two year old in his arms. The two year old looked like the spitting image of the young woman.

"Kill me but let her go." She says trying not to show how scared she was, but I could hear the slight tremor in her voice. The man in the mask laughs and pulls out a lighter. I watch on in silence frozen in shock as the man in the mask lights the blanket over the couch. The man then walks out of the room with the two year old, the woman screaming at him trying to follow but the quickly spreading flames stop her. I then realise what I am seeing and who the woman is, the flames I saw earlier were the aftermath of this encounter. That explains why the woman wasn't hurt by the flames when she ran through them, as they weren't there for her.

"Please! Don't hurt her! She's just a child!" The smoke is getting thicker and the woman's screams are getting weaker. I try and battle through the flames to try and help her, but keep getting pushed back. I cry along with the woman falling to the floor screaming myself raw. Suddenly the flames are extinguished.

I wake up soaked spluttering.

"I saw my mom die." I sob to anyone that is listening.

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