Chapter 1: The Letter That Changed Their Life.

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I wrote 50 lines with the blood quill. Last time I only wrote 25 before she let us go. Now I have to do double. I finished and by the time I had, blood was dripping down my hand. "I am finished now." I told her. "Good, now, writing lines apparently isn't enough, could you please stand for me." She asked. I was confused but I did as I was told. I wished I hadn't though.

"Silencio." She whispered. Great, now I cant make any noise. What happened next, was something I didn't think she would do, no matter how evil she is. "CRUCIO!" She screamed. The pain I felt was unbearable. It was worse than anything I had ever endured. It felt like a thousand knives sticking into me, then someone putting salt on all of the wounds and then being run over a bus and set on fire. To sum it all up, it was horrible, and she did it for an entire half an hour, though it felt like a lifetime.

Whoops. Let's stop right there. How about I take you through the entire story. I am Imogen Schmahl, member of the Fantabulous Four and this is how my story started.

(A/N: Ok, so sorry to disrupt, but for quite a few chapters there aren't any speech marks it is really weird and seems to be a glitch because I did put them in. After I am finished writing the series I will go back and add them in, but for now, I am sorry. Oh and, I am sorry if this first book is a tad boring. I wrote it a while ago and my writing skills have improved since then. I have read back and realised most of the action doesn't actually come in for a while so sorry about that. This will also hopefully be a 5 book series).

"Ok, so for homework, I would like you all to create a map of Australia, using CBOLTSS. This will be due in exactly a week." Miss Fox instructed us. We were in the middle of Geography and Miss Fox had just given us homework. Seriously, I dont know anyone who actually likes homework, well, besides Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, but unfortunately she is just a figment of J.K Rowling's imagination. Plus I think I would like homework if it were magical.

"Hey, Imogen, do you hear that tapping sound? Or am I hearing things again?" Lydia asked me. "Yeah, I swear I just heard a hoot?" Marci agreed. "Ok, I think you guys are..." I started. Hoot hoot. "On second thoughts you are completely sane, that or I am insane as well, and actually I wouldn't be surprised if it were the latter." I continued on.

"Tamara, could you please open the window for a second?" Felicity asked Tamara politely. Tamara opened the window and as soon as it was open, at least 2 dozen owls came swooping in. A beautiful, snowy white one landed on my desk, Tamara got a brown barn owl with a white face, Felicity got a light grey Tawny owl, Lydia got a Pitch black owl and Marci a similar one to Tamara, but a bit of a lighter brown. I looked around the classroom and noticed that everyone else's were a similar colour to Tamara's, just without the pretty white face, and majority of them were tawny, not barn.

Lydia, Marci, Felicity and Tamara are just four of my best friends. Tamara mainly hangs with us in the class but the other 3 and I do pretty much everything together at school and out of school.

I looked back down at my white owl and noticed it had a letter tied to it. All I could think of was Harry Potter. Of course. Everyone had noticed the letters by now and were looking around with confused faces. Finally Brianna, one of my many classmates, carefully reached towards hers, and when it didn't bite her, she quickly untied the letter. We all watched as her eyes darted across the piece of, well it wasn't paper, it looked too thick and old, Im going to guess parchment, and then widen. "It says I have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." She exclaimed excitedly, but then the smile on her face melted into a frown. "It's probably some prank from a Potter head."

Everyone immediately looked at me. Ok so I may be a pretty hard core potter head but I would never do this to the class. "Guys, why would I send a bunch of owls with Hogwarts letters to you? I dont have the money, the time, or the equipment to, and something sort of tells me that this isn't a prank". I defended. Finally I turned away from the class and carefully took the letter off the owl. I read through it and it was exactly as I had pictured it. It said

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