Just some Fluff

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(yo i just realized that this book almost have 1,000 reads)



No One's P.O.V

"Surprise hug!" Reaper shouted, puling Geno into a bear hug when he wasn't paying attention.

"Holy shit!" Geno gasped. "I almost jumped out of my skin!"

Reaper chuckled. "You don't have skin~"

"Shut up," Geno grumbled as Reaper let go. A tint of blue started to spread across his face. "You know, there are other ways to greet someone without scaring them to death."

Reaper shrugged.  "But I am Death."

Geno rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

Reaper smirked and pinned Geno to a wall. "You sure you don't want that kiss of death~?"

Blush started to spread across Geno's face faster then you can say, 'sans.' His face burnt like the sun. "No! Get off me!"

Reaper's smirk widen as he leaned in. "Come on, just a peck~"

"Nononono," Geno said, trying to push Reaper off. "Bad Reaper! BAD REAPER!"

Reaper sighed, and let go. "Fine."

Geno gave a small sigh of relief. 

"Nope," Reaper snickered, pulling Geno in for a kiss. Geno was so shocked he didn't do anything. When they pulled away, Geno was blushing so hard he looked bluer then the ocean.

Reaper frowned. "Uh- Geno, are you okay?"

Geno didn't reply. His pupils were gone. He stared off into nothing. After a few moments, he fainted and Reaper caught him before he hit the ground.

"Jezz Geno, you didn't have to faint from a kiss." Reaper mumbled, picking him up bridal style. When Reaper teleported to his house, Geno woke up.

"Uhh, what happened?" He asked sleepily. When he could see clearly he flipped out. "Wait- WHY ARE YOU CARRYING ME?!"

Reaper chuckled. "Calm down, Geno. We kissed, you fainted, I picked you up, teleported you here, and now your awake looking like someone splashed blue paint all over your face."

"S-Shut up!" Geno grumbled, burying his face in his scarf.

Reaper grinned. "You know, we make a good match~"

"Yeah? How so?" Geno said, sarcastically.

"Well, for one, your a masochist and I'm a sadist." Reaper said. "Two, we are extremely popular on the internet-"     

"That's not a good reason!" Geno interrupted, slightly uncomfortable at the thought of millions of people shipping them, writing sinful fan fiction, drawing sinful art, and... oh god.

"-three, it's a better love story then Twilight, four, your the tsundere while apparently I'm the 'pervert' or the 'guy who makes the first move,' five, we look great in bed-"

"Wait, hold up." Geno interrupted again, blushing hard. "Have you been sinning?"

"-maybe- six, we clearly love each other, seven, the author is running out of ideas, eight, didn't mean to brake the fourth wall on you reader~chan, nine,  we apparently have a child named Goth-"

Geno clamped a hand over Reaper's mouth. "Stop. Please."

Reaper continued to talk, even thought his voice if muffled. "-ten, I'm literally braking Asgore's rules just to keep you alive do you know how hard it is to keep that a secret like holy fucking hell, eleven, I would do anything to make you happy, twelve, I was almost killed by Chara once just to protect you, thirteen, well I can't die but still, fourteen, I love you, fifteenth, holy shit I'm still talking."

Geno gave Reaper a look. "How did you go through all that without breathing or passing out? To be honest, I'm kind of impressed."  

"Thank you." Reaper said, smiling. "Now do you see why we make a good pair?"

Geno blushed harder and looked away. "I-I guess?"

Reaper held Geno to his chest. "Oh yeah, and the fandom calls us Afterdeath~"

"God please help me." Geno said, covering his face.

"What do you need help with?" Reaper said, chuckling.

Geno sighed. Right. Reaper was a god. "Just kill me now."

Reaper paused. "Nah, I like you alive."

Geno rolled his eyes. Then he realized Reaper was still carrying him. "Uh- do you think you could put me down?"

"Hmm..." Reaper thought for a moment and sat on the couch. He put Geno on his lap and wrapped his arms around him so he can't get away. "Nah."

"Reaper," Geno whined, crossing his arms. "Let me go."

"I'll pass," Reaper murmured, breathing down on Geno's neck. Geno shivered and gave up. Reaper smirked, and they cuddled together for the rest of the night.

(wasn't sure how to end it so there u go)

(just some silly fluff, nothing special)

Afterdeath One-Shots! (Aftertale Sans x Reapertale Sans)Where stories live. Discover now