Twilight Morning Sky

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I sat in my Biology class looking out the window, rain streaking down in odd crooked lines, the clouds dense against the morning sky. 'Another day in Forks.' I thought to myself as us went to lean back in my chair, then remembered that I was sitting on a stool with no back in front of a counter that had a microscope siting on it.

My lab partner was desperately trying to get my attention, and when I finally looked over she was clearly annoyed with me. "What?" I asked quietly, only to get an angry huff.

"Mr.Gale I can't put up with her any more please get me another partner!" She said standing up and nearly tipping over the stool. Mr.Gale, our biology teacher, sighed and reassigned my lab partner to another group, leaving me to sit at the counter by myself with only my thoughts.

'Another one bites the dust.' I think, that makes the entire class giving up on trying to get my attention.

"Clara, you know I don't like putting people alone, but you will have to be an acceptation today." Mr.Gale said, his tone suggesting that he was annoyed. "Your lucky we have some new students coming tomorrow, or I would have to pair you up with a former lab partner." Once he said that the whole class sighed in relief.

'Nice... just perfect.' I thought bitterly. 'More people to make mad.' sighing I picked up the pencil and started answering questions without needing to consult the book or microscope, all the answers where obvious. 'Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasm.' I rolled my eyes at the questions and handed the paper to Mr.Gale as the bell rang.

The rest of the day droned on, sitting quietly at my table during lunch while my friends Miley, Kasey, and Alex; who is a girl; joked loudly and talked about how unbelievably hot Garret Thomason, the football team quarterback, was.

When the day finally ended and I drove home in my tiny, rusting, pathetic car, but hey, it's transprotation. Once I got home I did my aromatic greet dad, tell him what happened today, and up to my room, locking myself away. It's been that way since my mom left us. She said she was going out with friends when I was ten, and never came back. To this day we aren't sure if she was kidnapped, killed, or just abandoned us.

I sighed and took my mind off my depressing pre teen years and picked up my copy of Pride and Prejudice. If I where like any of the other girls in my grade I would be reading Romeo and Juliet for the twentieth time, but it's nothing but a story of a relationship between a thirteen year old and an eighteen year old that lasted three days and killed six people. I think I'll pass.

I found myself, a hundred pages later, falling asleep and the sky getting dark. I sighed and closed the book, usually I would have it done by now, but I've just been so preoccupied with the idea of new kids.

I shut off my light and slowly drifted off into sleep. Ready for tomorrow and the new students that would give up on me before the end of the week.


I know it's kinda a slow start, but this is kinda difficult, just remember, this is close to ninety years after Breaking Dawn but Forks said in an "old fashion" as they call it now. You will get to see what has happened later on in the story and I will try to keep it original while also using some ideas from the original Twilight books. thanks for reading! Vote Comment and Share please :)

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