I think that I have a Date with Jeremy! Ch.19

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Phoenix's PoV:

Great the Volturi could be coming that is just wonderful. Makes my day so much more fun. Renesmee still has Wyatt so at least he's okay.

"So what are we going to do now?" Asks Damon.

I shrug, "Wait it out the Volturi like to be sorta dramatic. Besides not all of Alice's visions come true, and she could be lying."


I turn on the TV. "Criminal minds is on! YES!! MY FAVORITE TV SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shout happily.

I end up fall asleep leaning against Damon and watching Criminal Minds.

Damon's PoV:

I smile as Phoenix shouts about Criminal Minds. She leans against me and starts to watch the show. She falls asleep halfway through. I smile. I lean against her falling asleep also. Like I said before she makes me weak.

Phoenix's Pov:

I wake up leaning against Damon. His arm is wrapped around my waist and he is sleeping. I shove him off of my gently. He mumbles something incoherent. I roll my eyes. 

My phone starts vibrating the screen reading Jeremy. 

"Welcome to Wendy's! How may I help you?" I ask. What can I say I really wanted to do this to someone.

I can hear Jeremy rolling his eyes, "Come on Phe."

"I'm sorry that is not on the menu. Would you like to change your order?" I ask trying not to giggle.

 "Phoenix come on." Said Jer.

"I'm sorry sir that is also not on the menu. Please try again." I said still trying not to die of laughter.

"Phoenix!" He shouts.

"Jesus! No need to shout. Well what would you like?" I question.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me?" Ask Jer shyly.

"Sure I don'ts got nothing else planned. When is you coming to pick me yup?" I ask.

"Um around noon." He said.

"KK! Cool beans but I got to go. Get ready and all that girly stuff!" I said.

"Bye!" Said Jeremy hanging up.

I look at the clock. It's 10:30.

I run up the stairs going to my room I dig through my closet. I finally decided on a gray t-shirt that says Dream on Dreamer, dark blue shorts, black flip-flops, my ring, a multicolor slappy bracelet that says love, and my multicolor sunglasses. My bathing suit is a bikini that is gray, black and white, it has black and white pictures of some city. Its really awesome.

(outfit-Click external link!)

I take a super quick shower. Thank god for vampire speed. By the time I had gotten dressed and stuff it was already 11:55.

I stand out side of the boarding house. Waiting. I check the time on my phone. 12:00. Suddenly Jeremy pulled up in a silver car.

"Just on time!" I tell him.

He grins at me and my heart flutters. What the-?

I open the passenger door and step into the car. I hear on of my favorite songs of all time! Today Was A Fairytale By Taylor Swift.

"Today was a fairytale

You were the prince

I used to be a damsel in distress

I knew that I was In Love When All those Stupid Love Songs Started to Make SenseWhere stories live. Discover now