Chapter 39

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Niall's P.O.V:

Why didn't Zoe pick up the phone? Was she mad at me because we didn't speak yesterday? Or because I didn't sleep at her place?

I started to get worried because she always answered on the phone.

I dialled her number again and waited for her to pick up. I heard tones... 1....2....3...4....


And what had happened with Harry? I was lost, lost, lost. I didn't understand a shit of what was happening.

Zoe's P.O.V:

I decided to visit the hospital today too. I really wanted to know what Harry meant, I hadn't slept on the whole night. Niall had been calling me the whole morning but I didn't pick up.

I walked through the long corridor and stopped outside the room with the number plate of 347. 3 4 7

I knocked lightly but someone seemed to hear when I saw the door handle move.

"Oh" Zayn looked up at me.

He opened the door a little and let me in. Harry looked straight into my eyes and froze. No one else was there, just Harry and Zayn.

"I need to find something to drink" Zayn broke the silence and got out of the door quickly.

"Where are the other boys?" I asked and sat down on a chair. I took off my jacket and held it in my knee.

"School" he said quietly and stared into the wall just like he did yesterday.

"Okay" I nodded and looked out of the window.

"Ha-" I started but Harry talked at the same time as me. "Zo-"

"You say first" he whispered.

"Please tell me why you hate me" I talked quickly.

"I don't hate you" he whispered.

"Then why did you try to commit suicide because of me?!" I exclaimed upset.

"Because I love you" he looked at me. I could see the sadness in his eyes, that he was broken.

"What" I stammered and put my hand onto my forehead. "Wh.."

"Yes Zoe, I love you, I've always loved you, I will probably always love you." He shouted and looked at me angrily.

"I still don't get it" I whispered and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

"You will never get it" he yelled and ran his both hands through his hair.

"Just explain to me and I'll try to understand" I begged. "Please"

"NIALL ISNT A HUMAN FOR GODS SAKE" he shouted and I heard he was more than just upset.

"I-I kind of know" I looked at him calmly.

"I don't understand why you're dating that thing, he's crazy" Harry glared at me. "I'm so much better than him"

"Maybe you think that" I whispered hoping he didn't hear fully what I said but I kind of figured that he did.

"He's fucking crazy Zoe, do you know what he's able to do?" Harry breathed heavy and licked his lips several times.

"No" I swallowed.

"You don't even what to know, he's fucking limitless"

"What did he do to you?!" I yelled and stood up. "Are you jealous or something?!"

"Of course I'm jealous, he got the only thing I ever loved" Harry kept glaring at me angrily.

"Why are you angry Harry?! It was your fault we broke up, not mine." I tried to not shout too loud.

"Wrong" he looked me straight in the eyes.

"Actually I'm not wrong Harry" I glared at him.

"Actually you are" Harry said. "You didn't let me explain"

"Then explain if that's what you want!!" I yelled and rolled my eyes frustratingly.

"The girl you saw me with was only a friend" he started. "She was helping me through a hard time and I didn't want to show me weak to you"

"And I'm supposed to believe that?" I raised my eyebrows and glared at him.

"Well that's the truth" Harry said and swallowed.

"I'm leaving Harry" I sighed loudly and got out of the room. I remember saying those words the last time. But then I was leaving for real. It was that night when I saw him with that girl.


I got home and cried for a time that seemed like hours. I lied there when he came home. He was all happy until he saw me lying there and seeing a suitcase beside the couch.

"I packed my stuff" I said and handed him the keys. "Here's the keys" I remember trying to not cry but I was all emotional and couldn't really get everything clear yet.

"What?" Harry turned around. "You're leaving me?"

"You thought I wouldn't find out huh" I sobbed.

"I don't understand Zoe" Harry got closer but I took a step back. I didn't want him to touch me.

"I saw you with that girl Harry" I took a deep breathe. "I'm not stupid"

"No no no it's not what you think it is, please" Harry ran up to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm leaving Harry" I told him and got out of his apartment.

*flashback ends*

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