Chapter 7

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I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. It was 7AM and it was time to get ready for school. I moaned and turned so I faced the alarm clock. The sunlight reached my face when I pressed the snooze button. I sighed and laid down again.

The alarm started to shout again after 5 minutes. I turned it off, sighed loudly and sat up in bed. I stood up slowly and walked over to my closet. I took out a pair of shorts, a top, new underwear and then I closed the closet door again. I got out of my room and got into the bathroom.

I took off the shirt I had been sleeping in and let it down to the floor. I stepped into the shower and let the water fall down at me.

The cold water soon became warm. The water made me woke up for real and after a few minutes I got out off the shower.

I took a towel and swiped it around my body. I looked in the mirror, I saw the same useless girl that I'd seen all the other days. I sighed and dried my hair with the towel.

I put on the clothes I had picked then I brushed through my hair quick because it didn't really help anyways when the hair was wet.

I put on a little of makeup but not so much. I wasn't one of those who liked wearing a lot of make up, I didn't really see the point.

I only used concealer and sometimes mascara. My eyelashes were long and black so I didn't have to use mascara, everybody already thought I wore mascara.

When I was done in the bathroom I got downstairs and into the kitchen. I made two toasted sandwiches with nothing else than butter.

I say down on the couch, as usual, watching tv. It only took a few minutes until I had eaten up the sandwiches but I decided that I wanted to just sit down and watch tv so I stayed for about a quarter.

I turned off the TV and got upstairs to brush my teeth. When I was finally done I got outside. It was 23 minutes until my first lesson started so I was perfectly in time today.

"Hi!" Niall exclaimed.

"Niall!" I smiled big as I saw him coming up from behind.

"What lesson do you have now?"

"History, you?"

"I think we take the same class, do you have history with-" Niall cut himself off and looked down at the paper he held. "Mr Smith?" He looked up at me and asked.

"Yeah!" I smiled.

"Yay the same class!" Niall smiled back.

I felt happy that somebody actually came up to me in the morning before school wanting to talk. Ever since I'd moved to the US no one had done that. I didn't use to talk so much to people, not even my mum. She always worked, and when she wasn't working she was either sleeping or painting. She liked to paint, it was her hobby. She was actually pretty good but she didn't like it when people wanted to see her paintings. She was pretty shy, she preferred to not show her painting skills. I had only seen a few paintings and some were good but some were just strange. Adult stuff I bet.

"See you here in 5?" I asked.

Niall nodded and changed direction. I kept walking towards. It was sad we didn't have lockers beside each other. Niall almost had at the other side of the school. We had asked for a closer place but nothing was available.

I opened my locker and hung in my bag and my jacket. I took out my history stuff and closed the locker again.


I turned around and met Harry's gaze.

"Why are you keep doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Talking to me" I walked back to the place I was gonna meet Niall at. Harry followed me, of course.

"Because I know you still like me, deep inside you" Harry smirked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. I turned my head searching for Niall.

"You see"

"See what?"

"You didn't protest"

"That's because you know what my answer is and I don't feel like wasting my time on you anymore"

"You just wasted a lot of time of the time you said you didn't want to waste on me"

"What?" I gave him a confused look.

"Almost 3 minutes of your life" Harry made an ironic 'o' face.

I spotted Niall coming.

"Sup" Niall said to Harry.

Harry just gave him a quick nod back.

"Lets go?" I said and smiled at Niall. He just nodded and followed me. Harry started to walk in the other direction.

"Sooo" Niall said as I looked at him. I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. "You and Harry again or?"

"Ew never!" I exclaimed disgusted.

"Oh" Niall bit his lip. "Alright" he nodded.

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