Returned and Loved

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Lincoln felt his heart fall the minute Valkyrie had race away that day. He had been alone a week, and it was now the middle of the night. He lay in the uncomfortable farm house bed, rubbing his belly. He was miserable. He lost his job. His king shunned him. His mate was gone. He was pregnant. He was fat. His daggers were dull, and he was to lazy to sharpen them. His cross bow's string snapped. He wanted his mate. He needed his mate. His mate was gone, but he wanted Valkyrie. To feel the sturdy form of the only being that hadn't hated him, that had actually loved him.

Without even realizing it he had begun to cry. He couldn't even control his emotions and he wanted to scream because of that. He sat up, and then got of the bed and kicked around the pillow, like a spoiled five year old.

"God Damn you, Valkyrie," Lincoln screamed to himself, holding his belly. All he had left were his twins, and there was no guarantee he would even live through having them. Then they would be alone, so hopelessly alone that they would die.

Vaguely he heard the soft scuffing of foot prints, but he didn't care. At this point let an assailant kill him. He'd lost everything, just because he had gotten pregnant. His life couldn't get any worse.

Warm arms wrapped around him, and he didn't even fight. Didn't even panic. The person holding him kissed his cheek, "Oh Lincoln," the massive sturdy being breathed, ruffling his hair with a free hand. Lincoln just screamed in anger and began to sob.

"I thought you left me! You were going to leave me!" Without warning the anger suddenly came back. "Or is it not me you want! Just the twins!?"

Valkyrie did not allow him to break free of the hold, and instead held him tightly as he, screamed, thrashed, and sobbed. "I'd never leave you. It didn't cross my mind. I haven't been further than a few hundred yards of the farm house at all times," Valkyrie assured. "I knew you needed to be alone, so I let you."

Lincoln just gripped his forearm tightly as he stopped squirming. Valkyrie kissed his cheek again, and placed a massive warm hand on the ex-Bounty Hunter's swollen belly. "I got you silk sheets if that helps, and I have done enough work that, if you want we can leave. I have enough money that if we combine it with yours from the king we can buy a palace." Valkyrie purred. 

"When do we leave?" Lincoln sobbed, "I want to get out of this hell hole of a country."

"Two days max," Valkyrie promised. "Because there is this medic that is stopping in town, and she has this new tenique that we can go through. We can see our babies. Both hear their little heart beats."

"Okay," Lincoln murmured, "But only if you hold me tonight...." The massive warrior at once swept the small Bounty Hunter off his feet, and laid him on the bed. Lincoln hardly had blinked when Valkyrie laid next to him, and snuggled him tightly, even throwing a leg over Lincoln and burying his face into the back of Lincoln's neck.

The Bounty Hunter smiled softly, and gripped Valkyrie's forearm tightly, as though if he let go his mate would be gone. The warrior in response caressed Lincoln's swollen abdomen. It certainly was growing quickly, and in less that six months, they would have the twins present.


The next morning they headed to town, side by side. Lincoln had first insisted doing a run, pushups then pull ups, and Valkyrie had reluctantly complied. So now they were both sweating, and attracting a lot of attention from the females. Neither paid any attention to them though, as they headed to the medical clinic.

Since it was so early, and such a small town there was like a thirty second wait. Upon seeing that both of them were guys she frowned but beckoned them anyway, her dark blue eyes sparkling with confusion.

"So...explain you're case to me," she prompted her beautifully night as black hair flowing, as they strolled down the hall.  "I'm a wee bit confused."

Lincoln laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. "You've heard of fae right?"

She stopped once they were in the small room, turned to them and frowned, "Yeah. I came from Lakanasay, home of most immortal fae's."

"Okay then..." Lincoln clapped his hands together. "I'm kinda pregnant and he's kinda the baby daddy, and he says you can let us see our baby?"

She glowered, and with a swift elegant hand flicked aside his jacket, exposing his stomach. Lincoln smiled awkwardly at her, and patted his plump belly. "No, I'm not fat."

"Yea, I can see that. You're one of those lucky half fae's I see...only about one in a million are blessed with the gift."  She knelt down placing her hands on the side of his stomach. He flinched but didn't back away.

She smiled slightly at him, "Twins?"

He nodded, "So how are you going to...let me see them?"

"There is this new thing called electricity catching on fast in Lakanasay, it allows so much more to be done. It opened up the world for me."

When Lincoln didn't respond, confused at her terminology, she stepped back, and gestured to the table behind her. "Because your a guy...I can't exactly feed a camera up through your body and to were the baby is so...looks like an ultrasound it will be."

She pulled out this massive car with a big square on it with a rounded glass looking screen. She smiled brightly, "Just don't question it, because you are decades behind in technology.

Lincoln shrugged and took of his shirt. Valkyrie smiled, and hugged him from behind before he could sit on the table. "You're belly is adorable," he hissed to his mate, patting the rounded bump affectionately. The Bounty Hunter's muscles were completely gone by now, except he did still have his pectorals, chest muscles, and graded lines of strength in his arms.

Lincoln shrugged him a way, rubbing the swollen form, "While we are here....can you enlighten I'm gonna get them out, when they are so damn big?"

She nodded, placing a cool hand on his stomach as he laid back then smearing a strange clear jell on it as well. "I can also tell you what you are having."

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