Chapter One- "When It All Began..."

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Before you read: Please note that when I began writing this i had just turned sixteen, so the grammar and flow of the story may not be up to par to some of your 'standards'. Just know that the more you read, the better the chapters get. Please excuse my naive teenage writing skills. xoxo.

 Chapter One

“When It All Began…”

             As I was standing in the shower letting the scalding hot water drench my body, I couldn’t help but wonder where Justin was. I knew he was getting back from tour tonight but after we had become so distant these past couple of months I wasn’t exactly sure when he’d be here or if he’d even show up for that matter. I’ve been dying to see how he’s been. The newspapers and the online stories don’t cut it for me because what I actually wanted was his body right next to mine where it should be although as soon as I tell him what I’ve been hiding I can almost guarantee he’ll leave me forever.

            I quickly grabbed a towel that was hanging right outside of the bathtub and engulfed my body, shivering once the coolness of my bedroom hit me. It was then that I realized that the cold air I felt was due to the window being open, all of the hairs on my body standing on end. My window was shut when I went in to take a shower I’m certain of that or maybe I’m just going completely and utterly insane and losing it.

            It seemed better to go with the fact that I’m officially losing it than come to terms with the fact that there was a serial killer in the apartment so I hurriedly fished out a pair of bra and underwear, fixating them both securely on my body before I pulled back the floral bedspread and snuggled deep into the covers to try and get my mind off of things.

            Maybe Justin had just lost feelings for me. I mean we’ve been apart for awhile now and even though we sort of ended things on good terms it just seemed like we didn’t know each other anymore. I felt like we were two different people now if that made any sense. I’ve become more mature since we’ve been together. He was my first love and he always will be my first love despite the fact how quickly we fell in love with each other and despite the fact of how it happened. Most people would look at our relationship as stupid and inane but to me the beauty of our relationship was actually because of how fast it went. We were teenagers who stupidly fell in love but that’s just today’s generation perhaps you could say. 

            My mind was in the state of starting to drift off until rummaging was heard from my closet. See, this is where I’m stupid and I should have gone with my first instinct that there was an intruder in my house instead of just ignoring it but no, I chose to act like everything was fine and dandy.

            “Miss me?”

            The sound of none other than Justin’s voice entered into my ears, almost like a complete and utter melody. He has no clue how beautiful he is and although the secret I’ve been holding onto was just dying to come out, my eyes wanted to focus on him just a little bit more. I was hoping he would find the time to see me and I’m actually extremely glad he did now that he’s back. I wanted to be as important to him as he was to me.

            “Justin how did you get in here?” I asked, still in shock that he was actually in front of me.

            “The window. How else would I get in here?”

            The memories of many nights we’ve spent in here came flooding back into my mind but the sad thing was I don’t know whether I wanted to laugh or cry. My window had been used for both the good and bad scenarios between us and unfortunately the one that was sticking in my brain was the bad one that I would literally give anything to forget.

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