Chapter Sixty Seven

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Chapter Sixty Seven

"You'll be fine Mimi. Just go for it. What have you got to lose?" Harry says from behind me.

"Oh, I don't know. My best friend and the guy I have feelings for!"

There's a moment of awkward silence before he speaks up again, "Oh...uh, yeah. That's true. Sorry."

Taking a deep breath, I reach up and grasp the door handle before twisting it open. I know I said I would do this but I am having some serious regrets right now. I mean, this is a terrible idea. A terrible, horrible idea. A terrible, horrible, atrocious idea. A-

Yeah, you get the idea.

But, it doesn't matter how many times the boys tell me that I will know exactly what to say, I know I will stuff this up. I am going to stuff this up so bad. Like, worse than that time when I was cooking a cheese cake for the boys and I forgot to put sugar in it. Yeah, that was really really bad and this will be ten times worse.

"Go Mimi, before you talk yourself out of it."

Too late, but I walk into his room anyway, shocked at how clean it is. I mean, I was in Liam's room the other day and it was a mess! And he's the most responsible one out of all of us. So the fact that I can see every inch of his floor and his bed is very shocking. Awesome but shocking.

Closing the door behind me, I look around the room, confused as to why Louis is not in the room. And that's when I hear the shower running. Good, gives me time to think about what I'm going to say. Which, the moment I look into his eyes, will just vanish from my mind because God only knows that just being near Louis makes butterflies erupt in my stomach and tingles to course around my body.

I let my eyes wander around the room, my breath catching in my throat. Sitting on his bedside table is a picture of us. In the picture, Louis has his arm around me and he's kissing my cheek and I look...happy. I haven't been one hundred percent happy in a long time, even while I've been here. 

I've always felt like something has been missing, which it has. Because I can't remember the last year of my life, I've always felt like everything that happened in that year changed my life for the better. That that last year of my life made me happy.

And seeing this picture of Louis and I, my nose scrunched up and one of my eyes closed as he kisses my cheeks, I can see that I was. I was happy. And the moment that I was kidnapped, all of that went away. 

"What am I missing?" I groan as I fall backwards on the bed.

I feel like there is something blatantly obvious that I'm missing and the moment I find that thing, I will remember everything. But the only problem is, I don't know what that thing is, where that thing is or even if there is such a thing.

But as I look around the room, I can't ignore the weird feeling in my chest as this rope that has been wrapped around my heart pulls me towards Louis desk. I know I shouldn't snoop around but the longer I stare at the desk, the more intense and fierce the pulling becomes until there is no way I would be able to ignore it.

Getting up off the bed, I walk over towards the desk, my eyes roaming over the hundreds of papers scattered across the surface. But it's the piece of paper on the corner of the desk, covered by multiple other pieces that catches my eye the most. I hesitantly reach out and grab it, pulling it out from under the pile, my breath catching in my throat at the words written on the page.

Hi Mimi.

It's been three days since you've disappeared. Three days Mim! I don't know what to do with myself. It's tearing me apart. It's like when you disappeared, you took my heart with you and now I'm nothing more than an empty shell.

Even the other boys are taking it hard. Especially Liam. I know that you bond with him isn't perfect but I think if you make it out of this...alive...he will try his hardest to be close with you. He will try his hardest to make up for his mistakes.

I just want you back Mimi. That's all I want. I want you back, alive.

I don't know how much longer I can go on, pretending that I'm okay. Even the boys have started to see through me. My heart is in broken pieces lying on the floor Mim. The only person who can fix them is you. I don't know what I'll do with myself if I never get to see you again. I won't be able to live with the guilt knowing that the last thing we did was fight.

We don't even know who took you, the only thing the police found was your phone lying on the path. The screen was smashed and when they unlocked it they found that you were about to text me. What were you going to text me Mim?

Please, come home soon princess. I can't live without you any longer.

I love you with all my heart,

Louis xoxo

I know that there is no way that I will be able to stop the tears that are rolling down my cheeks. Seeing this letter gives me a whole other perspective on everything that's going on. I don't know whether it's a good thing or not because, for some reason, some part of my is trying to tell me that this is all a trick.

That everything written in these letters is just made up, something to pacify my curious mind.

But I know it's not because my heart and my brain, although I can't remember, is telling me that everything is okay. That everything is right. That everything is finally falling into place.



So, now that I have written ahead for In Touch and finished it up, I am back to writing Direct Message so if you guys haven't checked that out, it would be awesome if you could! It's an Ashton Irwin fanfic and I actually started writing it before I started Wrong Number so yeah.

QOTC: What do you think will happen next?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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