Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

*Louis' P.O.V*

I watch her as her eyes flutter closed, her breathing slowing down with every breath. I pull her closer to me, her cold body seeming way too small. I reach up and brush some of the hair out of her eyes as she falls into, what I can only hope, is a peaceful sleep.

"She was really upset. Do you know why?" I hear Harry whisper, trying not to wake her.

Ever since she woke up, she sleeps for a lot of the day. I think it's her body trying to catch up with the lack of nutrients her body had. When I first got to hold her in my arms, I honestly didn't think it was her. I mean, her hair smelt the same. Her hair felt the same. She had the same face.

But it wasn't her. Her body was far to small to be Mimi. Yes, she has always been small but she just felt more fragile then before. You could see her bones through her skin from the lack of food. You could see how hollow her cheeks looked and how big the bags under her eyes were.

She has gotten better. She has definitely gotten better but she still doesn't feel right when I hold her in my arms. Maybe it's the fact that my body knows that she doesn't remember and it's trying to tell me that it's not her or maybe it's the fact that she is still tiny.

But holding her in my arms right now, it feels right. Holding her this way reminds me of when I could fall asleep next to her, holding her in my arms as she slept. It reminds me of the times I would hold her shaking form as she cried or as I hugged her for the first time.


I look up to see Harry and Niall staring at me, their eyes expectant. I'm not going to lie, I did zone everything out so I could focus on Mimi. Having her sleep in my arms like this allows me to imagine, if just for a second, that everything is okay.

It lets me imagine that she never got kidnapped and was missing for four months. It lets me imagine that she never woke up and forgot that she loved me. It lets me imagine that everything is the way it used to be. The way I wish it was right now.

Every day that passes that she doesn't remember, I feel like I lose another piece of me. It's not her fault and I know that. I don't blame her. But I do wish she could remember. I wish she could remember all the secret looks, all the kisses, all the little things.

I feel her snuggle closer to me, her lips brushing over the skin of my chest where my shirt has stretched down. At her touch, I feel sparks ignite on my skin. It sends shivers down rolling down my spine as a large smile slips onto my face.

"What are you smiling at Lou?"

"Just Mimi. She's adorable," I lie.

I hear Harry snicker but he tries to cover it up with a cough, "Sure."

I shake my head at him before looking back down at Mimi. I pull her slightly closer to me as I relive memories from back before she was taken. I remember the first night she stayed there with us and she came creeping into my room in tears.

I remember picking her up off the ground and calming her down before climbing into bed next to her. I still remember when she fell asleep and how I told her how sorry I was and how much I regret not telling her who I was.

I pull her small frame closer to me, bundling the covers up around is to lock in the warmth. The smell of her hair invades my nostrils, the scent intoxicating, "I love you Mimi, so much. I know you won't hear this because your asleep but I think that might be the only reason I'm saying any of this."

I feel her move around slightly in my arms and I fear that she might have woken up but after a few seconds she is still again and I feel my heart rate slow. I don't know what I would do if she heard me. I mean, she is mad enough at me as it is, I don't need to add this to it.

"Lou," I hear Mimi mumble in her sleep but this time it isn't a memory.

I look down to see Mimi still asleep in my arms as shock runs through my body. Did she remember something while she was asleep? Is she having a nightmare? Why is she saying my name in her sleep? There are so many possibilities.

"Did you guys hear her?" I ask the boys, my voice quivering.

"She said you name in her sleep Lou," Harry says to me as he swivels around in his seat to look at me.

"Are you sure? Why would she say it?"

"Isn't it obvious Louis?" Niall says to me.

"Obviously not otherwise I wouldn't have asked," I sigh.

I rest my head back against the head rest, letting out a long sigh. I wish there was an easier way to help her get back her memories back. I wish there was a way that I could show her her memories without actually telling her. Maybe...

"Oh my god!" I whisper yell.

"What?" Niall says in shock as he flicks his head over to look at me.

"I have an idea. It's amazing."

"What is it Louis? What do you mean you have an idea?" Liam says in a annoyed tone as he stops at a red light.

"I was just thinking about how I wish I could help her get her memories back and I just came up with this amazing idea."

"Lou, come on. Spit it out already, please."

"We get Mimi a new phone and I send her a message, just like I did when I accidentally sent her that first one."

"Wait, are you..."

"We reenact our memories, starting with the text messages."

Ugh I am so tired. But I got this up so it's okay! YAY!

Anyway, you guys have obviously heard about how I was doing a little competition on Facebook and on here. Well I decided to open it up on here as well. To actually be eligible, don't comment you joke on this chapter, I won't be reading it. It has to be posted on my Wattpad page.

So how this is going to work.

You guys are going to comment your favourite joke of all time. It can be a knock knock joke or whatever you like but you also need to leave your Wattpad account user name with it.

I'm going to read all of them and my favourite joke is going to win.

Who ever wins is going to be sent an unseen chapter from In Touch. I won't tell you what it's about but it is an unseen chapter that won't be out until the very end of the book.

But I have also decided that instead of just picking one person I'm going to pick 2 or 3.

When entering this though guys, I am going to be making sure that you don't post my chapter anywhere. That chapter will be posted at the end of this book so there is no point in trying to use it as your own work.

The competition will close in 2 days, on Wednesday the 24th at 5:30p.m AEST.

So yeah guys. Make sure you post it in my feed and not in the comments because it won't count.

I've also started up a blog. It's a book blog where I'll be reviewing different books I've read and having discussions about books and stuff. The link is right here is you guys want to check it out:

QOTC: Would you rather be friends with Josh Hutcherson forever or only date him for three months?

I would rather be friends with him forever because, what is the point of dating him for only three months? And besides, it's not like I like him like that anyway so yeah.



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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