Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Hi Mimi.

It's Liam here. I came in to Louis' room today and found a bunch of letters on his desk. He was on the floor sobbing. He was an absolute mess. I asked him what the letters are for and he just said they're a way of writing down his emotions and if he ever sees you again, he'll give them to you so you know how he felt.

I don't know why but he said that I should write the one for today. It's been 51 days Mimi. These have been the longest 51 days of my life.

I just want to say that I am incredibly sorry. I'm sorry for acting the way I did. I'm sorry for telling Louis to stay away from you. I'm sorry for telling your mum about you being happy and that your dad is alive.

I can see now why you were so mad. I really have been a jerk of a big brother. I don't even deserve that title. I'm hoping that I will be able to apologise to you in person and you won't have to read this letter to see how sorry I am.

Please come home soon Mimi. It's tearing us all apart, especially Lou.

I love you so much,

Liam xoxo

Okay guys. I'm going to keep these short cause I'm about to go to school.

I'll write important stuff in the next chapter.

QOTC: Do you think the only reason that Lima bean is apologising is because she has gone missing?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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