Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

*Louis' P.O.V*

I can feel my own heart in my mouth, tears falling from my eyes and splashing on the pale skin of my cheeks. My eyes immediately spot the red button on the wall but as I reach over to press it, the door flings open and several people come running into the room.

"Sir, you need t leave. We can't have you in here while we are performing this," one of the doctors says to me as he pulls the blankets away from Mimi's chest.

"No. She's my girlfriend I can't leave!" I protest, my voice shaking.

"Sir, come with me," as nurse mumbles quietly while grabbing my hand and pulling me to standing.

I let her pull my numb body out of the room, my eyes never leaving Mimi's pale face. I watch as her face gets further away until I can't see it anymore because of the blind being pulled down on the windows. I look up just as we round the corner and walk into the waiting room where the boys are waiting.

"Louis?" Liam questions, standing up, when he sees me walk in.

"Are you okay?"

But I can't even answer. I'm in shock. My body is too shocked to even think about doing anything. I don't understand how I am even walking right now. How I am even standing. How I am even keeping myself together right now.

"It will be alright. The doctor will come and see you as soon as he can," the nurse explains soothingly before walking away.

That's when I collapse onto my knees, sobs taking over my entire body. I let out all my pain of the past four months, all my sorrow from losing Mimi. I can't take it anymore. I can't be strong anymore. Not with Mimi gone.

"Louis, are you okay? What's wrong?"

"She's gone," I stutter out heavily through my tears.


"I was just...I was just talking to her and then...then the heart monitor went flat!" 

"No. Lou. This isn't funny. You can't be serious," Liam says quietly.

I snap my head up to look at him, anger flaring in my eyes, "You think I would make a joke about this? You think I would lie about this? She means the freaking world to me Liam. There is no way on this planet that I would lie about her being dead!"


I cut him off swiftly, "Don't you dare say that you're sorry Liam. I am over you saying sorry when you know very well that you did that thing on purpose. Like that time you made me say away from Mimi! I got to kiss her twice! I only got to spend two days with her as my girlfriend all because you're selfish!"

"Louis, calm down. You're just letting your emotions take over," Harry says calmly as he crouches down next to me.

"I'm not going to calm down! Do you know how traumatising that is? To sit in the room and watch as the girl you love literally dies right in front of you? No you wouldn't know."

I don't think they realise the effect it has on people to be sitting in the same room as someone you love and watching as they take their final breath. To be watching as that beeping line slows and turns into a flat line.

I don't know what I am going to do with myself if they can't save her. I have learnt that I cannot live without her. I cannot live in a world where she isn't beside me. I know that I won't be able to move on after finding love like this.

Once in a life time you find that love. You find that love that will last forever. That love that is stronger and more powerful than any love you've had for anyone else. But when you lose it, there is no way to replace it.

You can't more on after finding a love like that. You can't move on because everything the new person does, reminds you of the person you were in love with. You never lose the love for that person either. It's always there, even if you tell yourself that it isn't.

"Louis, are you sure that you're being serious?" Niall asks quietly, his voice soft and broken.

"I wouldn't lie to you guys about this. I was there when the line went flat. I was there when she took her final breath. I was there," I sob.

We all sit there in silence at my words, shocked that she might be gone. Shocked that we might never get to see her again. Shocked that we might never be able to hold her while she cries about things her mother has done to her.

I'm still in absolute shock.

I honestly don't want to believe it. I don't want to believe that I won't be able to hold her hand again. Or hear her sweet, husky voice. Or see her beautiful smile. Or hear her melodic, contagious laugh. Or kiss her soft lips. Or see her amazing green coloured eyes. I won't be able to do any of that again.

"I just can't..."

"Believe that she's gone?" Harry finishes Niall's sentence, "Me either. I just hope the doctors can get her heart working again."

I want to be optimistic but I have this feeling. I have this feeling, right in the pit of my stomach, that we won't be so lucky. I want to say that there is a fifty fifty chance but I know that's not true. I don't want to say anything to the boys about it but it's eating me away.

Just as I'm about to open my mouth to tell them about it, we hear footsteps. We all look up to see a doctor walk in, his face a perfect poker face. I honestly wish that doctors didn't practice that 'my face won't give away anything' face. I wish I could tell what had happened by the look on their face. But I can't and it literally drives me nuts.

He comes to a stop in front of us, pausing for a second before her speaks, "I'm so sorry-"

And that's all I hear before I run out of the room, tears snaking heavily down my cheeks.

Well...I don't know what to say again. These chapter endings are just getting too much for me.

How are you guys feeling about this? Cause I know that I'm in a state of shock right now.

Also, I can't believe that half of you thought I was ending the book. I just  meant the chapter ending. Lol.

Also, I have a facebook page that I've made so if you guys could maybe go check that out, that would be amazing and greatly appreciated. On there I will be posting little daily updates, sending out a post when I update my books and just having discussions with you guys mainly. Here's the link guys:

QOTC: Are you're feels exploding yet or is it just mine?



~ TJ xoxoxoxo

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