29. He's late for a date

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He's late for a date

Niall: Two hours. You could not believe it had been two hours since Niall was supposed to show up at the restaurant to meet you. You could feel the tears forming in your eyes, as everyone glanced over at you sitting there alone. You felt like two hours was long enough. You began to stand up, ready to leave and go home to cry. "[Y/N], I am so sorry I'm so late!" Niall came rushing into the restaurant, relieved to see you were still there. "I got so busy, and I came as soon as I could." His apology just angered you further. You were already standing, even more people staring at you than before, and you were so hurt. "I'm going home Niall, maybe next time you can at least call me to tell me you're going to stand me up." "I'm here now!" "Two hours too late."

Harry: "I said I had a lot to do today!" Harry argued back, after you yelled at him for being over an hour late to your movie date. "You were the one so determined to have a date today anyway!" You could not believe he was trying to turn this on you. "You promised you would be here on time!" "[Y/N] not everything can go the way you want it all the time," he stated, annoyance in every single word. It was sending you over the edge. Him being late was one thing, blaming you for it was a totally different thing. "Then maybe we don't need to make plans anymore. You're clearly too busy for me anyway." "Fine," Harry snapped back at you, before walking away. Tonight was supposed to be a fun date night, not this. You felt tears in your eyes, as you also began to walk away from the theater, wondering how the date would have gone had Harry simply shown up on time.

Louis: "You're late," you said, as soon as Louis appeared at your door. He looked at you apologetically, "I know, but I'm here now, right?" "And that's it? You're here now, so it's all okay?" You crossed your arms across your chest, not hiding any of your annoyance, "I am not okay with this Louis." He did not argue with you, just just nodded sadly, "I know, but can we just go now?" You sighed and shook your head, "I don't feel like it anymore." Louis could see he hurt you, but he did think you were being a little over dramatic, so he sighed as well and pointed towards his car, "Come on [Y/N], let's just go." "No Louis, you go, I'm staying here."

Zayn: "I'm pretty sure this is the 3rd time in a row you're late to meet me," You laughed softly, not really annoyed just pointing it out, after Zayn showed up at the restaurant you had been waiting at for close to half an hour. He was sitting down at the table, when he began to reply, "I know, I was trying to get here on time, but I'm always so late. I am sorry though [Y/N], I am trying." You shrugged, "It's only twenty minutes, I think I'll survive. I know you don't mean to never be on time." Zayn smiled at you, so glad that you were being so understanding and not making this a big deal. "So [Y/N], what do you want to eat?"

Liam: "No, no, no," you heard Liam saying under his breath, as his looked around the park you were meeting at, and overlooked you sitting on a bench. "I can't believe I was this late." "Neither can I," you said, causing his head to snap in your direction and a look of relief washed over his face. As soon as he saw you, he rushed to your side, "[Y/N], I am so sorry. I know I am so late, I really have no excuse. I'm so sorry." You looked away from him, and towards the lake in the distance, "I almost left." "I thought you had. I would have understood if you did." You looked up at him and shrugged, "I guess I'm use to it." Tears formed in your eyes after you said those words, and Liam pulled you into his arms, "I am so sorry, I promise I'll try harder next time."

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