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December 25th
Miley's POV

It was Christmas. I am now thirty, Liam is gonna be thirty-three, River is five, and Bradly was about to be one in January. I honestly can't believe how fast time goes by. It seems like it goes by faster when we have little ones. Bradly was still crawling, he hasn't walked yet. But Liam and I have been holding him up and trying to get him to walk, but he keeps falling down. River loves him to death though, he talks to Bradly even though Bradly can only say a few words. Bradly is really smart though, he can say more words than I thought. I'm happy River and Bradly get along.

"Liam, I feel old." I complain.

"Miles you're thirty. Don't complain, because I'm almost thirty-three and I'm not complaining. So I don't wanna hear it." Then I stick my tongue out at Liam. The kids have already opened their presents and are playing with them. "Do you think we spoiled them this year?"

"Nah, I think all parents spoil their kids when they're this young." Then I kiss Liam passionately on the lips, and River looks at us.

"Gross!" He says, then Bradly laughs which makes Liam and me smile. "Get a room!"

"River, we're your parents we can kiss." Liam says.

"Yeah, you'll feel this way about a girl or boy soon enough don't worry." I say, then River shakes his head.

"Whatever no I won't girls are gross." He denies. Then Liam and I kiss more. "Stop it!"

"We're in love, we kiss, River." I say.

"Fine fine fine! Bradly, please don't kiss people in front of me when you're older." River begs, then Bradly just looks at River.

"I don't think he cares what you're saying right now." Liam says.


"Because he probably doesn't understand you." Liam replies. "Play with your toys so mommy and I can kiss."

"Okay okay okay." River says, then goes back to playing.

"Well, now what? We can't even kiss in front of our own children." Liam says, then I laugh.

"Yes we can, River will just have to deal with it." Then I kiss him again.

"Can you believe River is gonna be in kindergarden next year?" Liam asks.

"No, and I don't want to. I don't want my babies growing up." I answer.

"I thought you wanted Bradly to grow up so we could try for a girl."

"Liam, I never said we were. I said I was thinking about it, calm down with the baby talk." Then Liam smiles. "Shut up, yeah yeah I said baby talk."

"Fuck me so you stop baby talking, fuck me so you-"

"Liam! Choice words not to be said in front of five year olds that repeat everything we say." I say.

"Right, sorry." Then I look at River, he was playing with toys so I don't think he heard us. "Are you planning on having anyone over?" Liam asks me.

"No, Noah said she might but that doesn't mean diddly squat. She's kinda flakey these days."


"That's cause she's running around with that new boy toy of hers." I say. "He's kinda iffy with me. Sometimes he likes me other times it seems like he doesn't even care for me."

"Maybe that's cause he's jealous I have you insead of him." Liam replies. "You think?"

"Nah, he's not jealous of you." Then Liam laughs, then there was a knock on the door.

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