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March 13th
Miley's POV

It was March 13th, it's been four days...Liam and I have been waiting impatiently for my phone to ring and it be Dr. Walsh.

"Maybe she'll call later this evening." Liam says.

"It's noon. I need for her to call now." I say.

"Mommy I'm hungry." River says coming into the living room where Liam and I were sitting.

"Liam, make him a sandwich or something."

"Okay." He says. "C'mon, River. How about a PB & J?"

"Yeah!" Then my phone starts to ring. It was Dr. Walsh.

"Shut up everybody shut the fuck up!" I shout.

"We weren't talking." Liam says.

"Well ya are now so shut the hell up." I snap, then answer the phone. "Hello?" I say.

"Hello, Miley. It's Dr. Walsh. The results came in...I'd uh, like to see you today, if that's possible."

"How about around 1:00 today?" I ask.

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

"Okay." I say. "Bye."

"Bye." She says before we hang up.

"So?" Liam asks while making River his sandwich.

"She wants to see us around 1:00. That gives River time to eat his sandwich and so then we can head out." Then he kisses me passionately on the lips.

"Everything's gonna be fine." He says.

"Daddy's right." River adds.

"Okay." I say, not believing them.

"You don't believe us."

"Now, who would say such aa negative thing?" I ask.

"You really don't think everything's gonna be fine?" Liam asks.

"I'm sorry...but I only know bad can come from this appointment." Then I sigh. "I'm sorry."

"Baby," Then he kisses me. "it'll be ok."

"I hope so. I hope you guys are right." I say, then kiss River on the top of the head, and Liam hands Riveer his sandwich.

"Thanks daddy." River says, then starts to eat it.

"You're most certainly welcome." Liam replies. "Now eat your sandwich so mommy, you, and I can go to an appointment."

"Okay." He says, then continues to eat his sandwich.

When River was done eating his sandwich, Liam and I got ready with River to go to the fertility clinic. I buckled River in his carseat and got in the passenger seat when Liam got in the driver's side. When we got to the fertility place, I told the lady at the front desk I was there to see Dr. Walsh and she told me to go back into her room. I got in her room with Liam and sat down with River on my lap, and she greeted us.

"Hello, Miley. Liam, River." She says, then shakes our hands.

"Hi." Liam and I say in unison.

"Hi." River says shyly.

"So there's some good news, but also some bad news..." Dr. Walsh says.

"Okay." I say.

"Would you like the good news or bad news first?" She asks, then I look at Liam.

"Bad news. Let's get that over with." He says, then I take a deep breath and prepare myself.

"So, Miley, you have something called secondary infertility." Then I tear up. "I'm so sorry."

"Um, so...I can't have any more children?" I ask, nearly crying.

"Well, now I'm going to tell you the good news."

"Okay." I say, then wipe my tears.

"Fertility medications such as clomid or injectible gonadotropins are used to increase the number of eggs available for fertilization, either naturally or with intrauterine insemination, or in vitro fertilization. The use of IVF allows us to bypass pelvic/tubal problems, and also increases fertilization in cases of severe sperm related abnormalities. When the issue is diminished ovarian function, egg donation is an option for those with secondary infertility. There are many ways you're able to go. There are injections you can take to increase the number of eggs available for fertilization, or IVF. Whatever you prefer, we can set up and do. What would you like to do, if you would like to even do anything. It's completely okay if you don't want to do anything." Then I take a deep breath.

"Liam...I really want another baby." I say.

"I know, so do I. So do you want to do something then?" He replies, and I nod.

"What about Clomid? Is that okay?"

"Clomid or Serophene are both used for infertility. The side affects are generally mild. They include hot flashes, blurred vision, nausea, bloating, and headache. Also...there's something else." She says.

"What's that?" I ask, scared.

"Taking Clomid can increase your chances of a multiple birth. Like twins or triplets." Then I smile.

"Well that's not bad." I say.

"I never said it was bad, Miley. I only said there was something else." Then I laugh.

"So then is it alright if we do the Clomid then?" I ask.

"Of course. I'll start you on fifty millograms, and you can try that for a month. If you aren't pregnant in a month, come back and I can bump it up to one-hundred." Then I nod, and she writes a perscription.

"Take this to your local pharmacy and start the medication right away. I'm hoping it'll work for you right away." Then I smile and she hands me the perscription.

"Thank you so much." I say, then wipe my tears again.

"You're welcome. I'll talk to you later." She says, then I nod. I get up, and Liam takes River and we walk out.

When we got outside I buckled River in his seat then got in the passenger seat, When we were driving to the pharmacy to drop off the perscription, River got my attention.

"Mommy?" River asks.

"Yes River?" I ask.

"Am I getting a little brother or sister yet?"

"I hope you will be soon, okay?" Then he nods.

"Okay." He says with a smile on his face.

When we got done dropping off the perscription we went home. By the time we got home it was a little later. About 3:00 PM, so we decided to watch a movie. After the movie was over, it was about 5:30 so Liam made dinner and we ate. Then we played with River for a while before it was time for him to go to bed. After Liam got done tucking River in bed, he joined me on the couch in the living room to watch TV.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say back, then we kiss. Just about a month hopefully, and I'll be pregnant. Hopefully.

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