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December 24th
Miley's POV

"Stella, Rydel, Michelle, Ashley, and Jade are the names right?" Liam asks. We were video chatting while River was taking a nap.

"Yeah. So what should her name be?" I reply, rubbing my stomach.

"I really like Rydel Ashley. Or Rydel Jade."

"Yeah, that's what I'm trying to decide...Ashley or Jade?"

"Miley, she's your baby."

"She's yours too, you know." I say.

"Okay okay. How about Rydel Ashley?"

"Perfect." I say with a smile.

"Good. Hey, tell River I say happy birthday."

"Don't you wanna tell him?"

"I gotta go." He says.

"He's gonna be really upset."

"Miley, I know but I really gotta go."

"Fine whatever." I snap, then I end the chat. Soon later River comes out rubbing his eyes.

"Hi mommy." He says.

"Hi River. How's the birthday boy?"

"Good. Has daddy called?" Then I I tell him? I don't wanna lie...

"Um, as a matter of fact he did. He said to tell you happy birthday."

"He didn't wanna tell me?" River asks, starting to cry.

"Shh, River. It's okay. He could only talk for a little bit and I didn't wanna wake you. We will talk to him later though."

"Promise?" He asks.

"Um...I can't promise anything, I don't want to promise something then it doesn't happen. Okay?"

"Okay." Then I sigh.

"I miss him too, don't worry. He'll be back soon." I say.

"How soon?"

"February." I answer. "That's after January which is after this month. But this month is almost over. Okay?"

"Okay. Is he gonna miss the baby being born?" Then I frown.

"Yeah baby, he is..."

"That's bad."

"No, he is working so he can't help it. He will miss his birthday too."

"Why can't he just come home mommy?" Then he starts to cry again. "I miss daddy." Then I tear up.

"I know River...I miss him too."

"I want him home."

"River he can't come home yet. He has to work."

"I wish February would come." River says, then I wipe his tears.

"Me too baby, me too. How about we go to the park? Since you are the birthday boy." I suggest.

"Yeah!" He says excitedly.

"Okay let's go." Then I get my keys and take River's hand and walk out the door.

When we got to the park I sat on the bench and watched River play with toys. I was watching him when a woman came over and sat next to me.

"Cute kid." She says. "He's the one in the white T-shirt and brown jeans right?"

"Uh,'d you-"

"My oldest daughter shows me everything about you. She's a big fan." The woman explains.

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