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March 9th
Miley's POV

Today was the day of the hysteroscopy and the transvaginal ultrasound. I just decided to take River with, I wasn't gonna handle being bailed on more than once. Even though my mom probably wouldn't. But now it's too late to ask anyone to babysit. I was sittting in the waiting room, waiting for my name to be called.

"Mommy?" River asks.

"Yeah River?" I respond.

"When will there be a baby in your belly?" Then I sigh.

"Well I'm having all these doctor visits to find out why there can't be one inside me."

"There can't be?" Then I shake my head.

"No baby, sorry." I say.

"It okay mommy I just wondering." Then I smile.

"Miley." Someone says, calling my name. I got up with Riverr in my arms and followed her to a room. "Put this gown on and Dr. Walsh will be right in." Then she gave me a gown and left.

"River, baby?" I ask.

"Yeah mommy?"

"Um, can you turn around?"

"Why?" He asks.

"I gotta change into this gown."


"So the doctor can do a check up on me." I explain. "Please turn around, I need my privacy."

"Okay." He says, then turns around. I quickly put my gown on, and sit on the table.

"Okay, River you can turn back around. Go ahead and sit in the chair next to me."

"Why can't I sit on the stool?" He asks, pointing to the stool that the doctor sits on that is in front of me.

"Uh, because the doctor sits on that stool baby." I say, then he nods and Dr. Walsh comes in.

"Hello Miley, I see you brought River with. Hi River."

"Hi." River says.

"Hi." I say. "So are you gonna do the hysteroscopy or the ultrasound first?" I ask.

"I'll do the transvaginal ultrasound." She replies.

"Mommy what's that?" River asks.

"Um...the doctor is gonna put...uh..." I say, trying to explain. " doctor is gonna look at me and look at the inside of me."


"She's gonna take pictures, like from my belly except it will be a little different." I explain.

"Okay." He says, then Dr. Walsh gets out the ultrasound wand and I put my feet in the stirrups and she puts the wand inside me. I jump because it is cold, and River looks at me weird.

"Okay I don't see any signs that you are pregnant nor have a damaged uterus, which could've been why you couldn't get pregnant." Dr. Walsh says.

"So then are you done?" I ask, and she nods.

"Yeah, now I'll do the hysteroscopy. So first I'll place a speculum inside your vagina to see the inside of it and the cervix, then I'll clean your vagina with a special soap. Then the hysteroscope will be placed at the entrance to your vagina and gently moved through the cervix into your uterus. A liquid will be put through the hysteroscope into your uterus to help me see the lining clearly. I'll look through the hysteroscope at a magnified view of the lining of your uterus. I can also see the uterine openings of the fallopian tubes."

"Okay, so is that it?"

"Yes, now you'll feel some cramping but it shouldn't be as bad as the last test." Then I nod.

Then she places the speculum inside of me, and I felt her cleaning my vagina with the soap. I felt her putting the hysteroscope inside me, and I felt it go through me. She hooked it up to a screen so she could see the picture better.

"There's your uterus, and there are your fallopian tubes." She says, pointing to the screen.

"Wow." I say.

A few minutes later, she was thankfully done. I felt cramping, but it was definitely not at all like the endometrium biospy.

"I should get the results from the postcoital, the blood tests, and everything in about three days. I'll give you a call and you and Liam can come in."

"Okay, thank you." I say, then she smiles and leaves.

"Okay buddy, turn around please." Then he turned around and I got into my clothes. "You can turn around now, River." I say, then he turns around.

"Are we leaving now mommy?"

"Yup, let's go."

"Another appointment?" The lady at the front desk asks.

"Nope, not today." I say with a small smile, then walk out of the building with River. I put him in his carseat, buckled him up, and got in the driver's seat then buckled up myself.

"Mommy was she hurting you?" River asks as I'm driving.

"No sweetie, why?"

"You looked hurt. Why was she down there? I thought no one was supposed to look at privates."

"Well parents and doctors can look at your privates, but no one else can. And she was down there doing an exam on me. It hurt a little but not too bad."

"Oh okay." He says, then I drove the rest of the way home in silence.

When I walked through the door with River, I was greeted by a surprise.

"Liam!" I say excitedly.

"Hey baby." He says, then I put River down and hug and kiss Liam. "I thought you were doing that commercial."

"We finished early."

"Daddy!" River says excitedly, then runs up to him and Liam kneels down and they hug.

"Missed you little guy." Liam says to River.

"Missed you daddy." River says, then Liam stands up and kisses me again.

"Missed you too baby." He says. "Speaking of babies..."

"All the tests are done, now all we need to do is wait about three days and she'll call us. Then we go in and talk with her about the results." Then he takes a deep breath.

"I hope it's nothing bad." He says.

"I know." I agree.

"It won't be." River says, then I smile.

"You sure are an optimist aren't you?" I ask River.

"Yup! Whatever that is." Then Liam and I laugh, then I pick River up again and Liam and I kiss him.

"You're so cute." I say to River.

"I know." He says, then I laugh. I loved my little guy but I wish I could just give him a sibling already.

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