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June 23rd
Miley's POV

It was Liam's and my anniversary and I had Noah take River and my parents take Bradly since Noah isn't too good with kids because she hasn't had much experience. She was better with toddlers which I was fine with. My postpartum depression is completely gone which I am thankful for, I now am able to hold and be with Bradly without me worrying about anything. Liam and I were talking about trying for a girl but I told him we weren't gonna try until Bradly was at least two because I don't want more than one little baby in the house. We haven't had intimate time for a long time because I haven't been ready yet, but I think I'm ready now so I was gonna surprise him later. Right now we were at a restaurant having dinner, and just enjoying to not have to worry about a kid for a while.

"So, are you enjoying your kid-free night?" Liam asks me.

"Yes, so much. Are you?"

"Yes,'re missing them, aren't you?"

"How'd you know?" I ask.

"I can tell by your body language. Stop worrying about them, they're fine."

"I know, I know. I just worry cause they're just so small and-"

"Miles, River is four." Liam says.

"I know but Bradly is only five seems wrong leaving him."

"Miley we need our own time at least a few times a year. I know you miss the boys but you gotta remember we do need time to ourselves."

"Wait until you have a baby girl, she'll be wrapped around your finger. You'll never wanna leave her."

"And maybe you're right, but I will be able to leave her unlike you."

"Oh, I feel a challenge coming on." I say, then Liam smiles.

"Does this mean we're trying?"

"Maybe. I don't know, but all I know is that if we do try we aren't until Bradly is at least two years old. I don't want to have two small babies in the house at once. I'm sure you feel the same way."

"I do that's just it. I completely agree with you, I just wanna know if we need to start doing fertility treatments again." He says.

"Not for a couple more years. Okay?"

"Fine..." Then I smile.

6:00 PM

"Liam why are we going home? We gotta pick up the kids." I say.

"I made Noah take River and your parents take Bradly. We're gonna spend the night without a crying baby and a screaming toddler."

"Liam, Bradly is teething he needs-"

"I gave your parents everything he needs including his teething stuff. He'll be fine." Liam says, reassuring me.

"Okay, okay. But-"

"Miley." He says sternly. "It'll be fine, the boys will be fine. Can we just please have a night to ourselves?"

"Fine." I say, agreeing with him.

When we got home Liam took me inside and the dogs and animals greeted us.

"Hi babies." I say, petting everyone.

"So...wanna watch a movie?" Then Liam brings me to the couch and we sit down.

"No..." Then he looks at me upset. "I have a better idea." Then I start to make out with Liam.

"Mmm, should we move this to the bedroom?" Liam asks, then I get up and lock the front door, then sit on top of Liam and start to kiss him again.

"No, the kids aren't here. I don't think we have to move anywhere."

"Ooh, I like that."

"Shut up and kiss me." I command, then we continue to make out.

Then we continued to make out, and I was already getting wet. My sex drive was killing me since I had the baby, but I just haven't been ready yet. He kept kissing me, then took off my shirt. I felt a little embarrassed because I still haven't lost all of the weight I've gained from the pregnancy. He started to play with my breasts, and then I took off his shirt. Then he took off my pants and underwear and I took off his jeans and boxers.

"Wait wait I need a condom." Liam says in between kisses.

"Back pocket of my jeans." I say.

"You had one? How long have you been planning this?"

"Long enough." Then he grabs my jeans off the floor and pulls out a condom I had in my jeans.

Then he put it on, then pushed me on my back on the couch and continued to make out with me. We were making out so long I couldn't take it anymore. I was getting so wet and very turned on. I spread my legs, signaling for him to fuck me. He went inside me snd I jumped because I wasn't used to it because we haven't has sex in a long time. He pumped in and out, in and out. I was moaning fairly loud but it didn't matter because there wasn't anyone else in the house. I kept moaning, then Liam joined in. A little while later we both came, monaing each other's name. When we finished, Liam got off of me.

"Thank you." Liam says.


"Because you finally let me have sex with you. It's been fourteen months, you realize that right?"

"Okay, Mr count pants." I joke. "You knew I was gonna have sex with you."

"I didn't know it would be today. I thought it would be like a month from now. You know normal women wanna have sex after three months having a baby." He says.

"Yeah well it's taken me longer, excuse me." I say.

"It's fine I just love you."

"No, you love having sex with me. I'm your toy."

"No you're not. Yes, I like having sex with you but that's not the reason I married you. I married you because I love you."

"Okay, okay." I say.

"Good, so you love me?" He asks, then I nod and he kisses me. "We should shower."

"Why don't we take one together?" I ask Liam, then he smiles.

"Let's go." Then he helps me up and we walk to our bathroom after we grab clothes. We got in the shower together and kissed and made out. He played with my boobs a little bit and I played with his cock as he played with my pussy but we didn't have sex again.

After the shower we dried off and got dressed. Then we went and fed the animals before we sat on the couch together. We decided to watch a movie. By the time we were done watching a movie it was about 10:00 at night so we decided to go to bed since we were so tired. We got in bed and said goodnight, then kissed one last time before we fell asleep.

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