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February 28th
Miley's POV

"Miley it's been longer than a month, you need to stop crying about it and do something. Call that number." Liam demands.

"No." I say.


"Because I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared that it'll be true. It'll be true I can't get pregnant." I say, then pull my knees up to my chin while I was on the couch.

"Miley, there's treatments for this."

"I know, I just don't wanna admit it. I don't wanna admit the fact I can't get pregnant whenever I want to."

"Call that number, Miles. I want another baby too, you know." Then I sigh, pull out my phone, and dial the number. After I hung up, Liam sat next to me. "Well?" He asks.

"I have an appointment tomorrow at 10:00."

"That's too short of notice for people. Who's gonna watch River?" Liam replies.

"I know, I guess we'll have to bring him with us." I say.

"Okay." Liam agrees.


February 29th
Miley's POV

When we got to the fertility specialist's office, I signed in and sat down next to River and Liam.

"Mommy are we gonna take pictures of the baby again?" River asks.

"No, River. There's no baby in my tummy yet, we're here to find out why there isn't one in there." I reply.

"Okay." He says. Then someone comes out and calls my name. Then Liam, River, and I get up and follow them to a room.

When I got in the room, I sat down next to Liam and River.

"Dr. Walsh will be in soon." Then she left.

"Mommy I'm bored."

"River, you gotta be patient. We'll leave soon." Liam says.

"Okay." He says, then I smile. Soon later a person came in, I was assuming they were Dr. Walsh.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Walsh." She says.

"Hi." I say nervously.

"Hi." Liam says.

"Who's this?" Dr. Walsh asks, referring to River.

"This is River, our son." I answer.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to ask you a few questions okay?" Then we nod. "Has there been any chronic illnesses in either of your familes?"

"No." I say.

"Any use of caffiene, alcohol, or drugs?" She asks.

"I was into drugs and alcohol but I've been sober since I got pregnant with River. We drink coffee sometimes." I say.

"How often are you having sex?" Then my face gets red.

"Um, maybe once, twice a week?" Liam says. "We haven't a couple weeks now though. The last two weeks we haven't."

"Are you having any problems?" She asks.

"No, not other than this little guy walking in on us once." Then Dr. Walsh laughs.

"Have you used birth control?" Dr. Walsh asks me.

"Um, no." I answer.

"And have you had sex outside of your relationship?" She asks.

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