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January 16th
Miley's POV

"Well you're all ready to go home...that is if you're actually ready to go home." Dr. Cooper says. It was the day I got to go home. I was terrified. River was at Noah's, we were gonna pick him up today before we went home.

"I guess I have to be, right?" I reply, then she smiles.

"You have a carseat in your car, right?" She asks me.

"Yes, we do." Liam says, answering for me.

"Good. I'll see you later. Have fun, you two." Dr. Cooper says with a nice smile. "All you have to do is get him into an outfit for him to go home. I'll be right back." Then she leaves.

"Liam, do you wanna change him? You did get a boy outfit right?" I ask Liam.

"Yes, and I actually have a surprise for you when we get home. I'll change him." Then Liam gets into the hospital bag and gets out the outfit. "It's a onsie."

"Aw it's cute." I say. It was a blue onsie that said "I would love to stay...but I mustache" and it had a picture of a mustache. "River will like that one. Oh I have a question though."

"Hmm?" Liam asks.

"Where are you getting the baby blankets?"

"From a friend. Thankfully this one didn't have pink."

"I'm fine if our son likes pink but I'm not gonna push it onto him. That's why I want a unisex room. Any colors that will fit for boys or girls."

"Don't worry we'll get there." Then he hands me Bradly in his onsie. "There you go." Then Dr. Cooper comes back in.

"Are you all ready? Is the baby ready?" She asks, then I nod.

"Well, you're free to go." Then I get up and walk out the door with Liam, Bradly in my hands.

When we got to the car Liam unlocked it and I put Bradly in his carseat. Then Liam got in the driver's seat and I got in the back behind the passenger seat to sit next to Bradly who was in the middle.

"You're sitting in the back?" Liam asks.

"I sat in the back with River when we brought him home." I say, reminding him.

"Oh yeah...speaking of River, are we picking him up?"


"Okay." Then we buckle up and he drives to Noah's.

When we got to Noah's we rang the doorbell and went in, her pitbull going crazy. I had Bradly in my arms and Noah quickly raced over to me to keep the pitbull away from me and the baby.

"Sorry." Noah says, apologizing.

"It's fine." I say.

"River, mommy and daddy are here to pick you up." Noah says, calling River. Then he came running out and leaped into Liam's arms.

"Mommy daddy I missed you! I missed you too Bradly!"

"Shh, River. Bradly is sleeping." Liam says.

"Okay sorry." River whispers, then I smile.

"I'll see you guys later." Noah says.

"Thanks for watching him. I knew he wouldn't wanna be at the hospital this whole time we were there." I say, then hug Noah.

"No problem, you're my sister. I'll do anything...well...not anything but-"

"I get it, Noah." I say then laugh.

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