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May 10th
Miley's POV

"Wait what?" I ask Dr. Hills.

"You didn't know you were pregnant?" She asks.

"Um, no." I reply. "Wait you actually heard the heartbeat throuh the stethoscope?" I ask amazed.

"Yes, would you like to hear? It's a very quiet, faint little heartbeat, probably because you aren't very far along but you can hear it if you listen closely." She says, and I nod. Then she puts the stethoscope in my ears and the other end on my stomach, then I hear the small little heartbeat. I tear up, knowing it has finally happened.

"That's- that's amazing. I- I can't believe it finally happened."

"Oh, you've been trying?" She asks with a smile.

"Yeah, Liam have been trying since last...August I believe it was."

"Well congratulations, the baby sounds like he or she is healthy but I do think you should definitely make an appointment soon to make sure it's healthy and how far along you are."

"Okay, thank you so much. I was really hoping I was and it wasn't the flu, but I was almost positive it was only the flu."

"Was that possibly you hoping you weren't pregnant? Positively thinking it was the flu, because inside you were hoping you weren't pregnant. Not knowing you were hoping it, but you happens more than you think. But I'm not a therapist or anything, I've just seen it so many times. But you already have one kid, so I'm sure the little guy wants a playmate so you're probably okay with having another baby." Dr. Hills says, making several points.

"I'm not gonna lie, it did catch me by surprise...and I'm scared shitless about having this baby. River was a hard baby. He never wanted to sleep, he was constantly crying or wanting attention. When I finally got back to work I could barely concentrate on my music he was so hard to handle. His terrible twos are thankfully over. Thank God I have Liam by my side, or I wouldn't be able to handle two kids let alone River."

"Yes, well I'm very glad you don't have the flu on top of this pregnancy. Good thing it was just morning sickness, huh?" Then I nod.

"Well, I better get home and tell Liam the good news...and make a doctor appointment." Then she smiles.

"I wish you the best, Miley."

"Thank you Dr. Hills. Very much." Then she nods, and I leave.

I had texted Liam before I left the doctor's office to bring River home cause I had something to tell them. When I got home, Liam and River were on the couch. I took a deep breath and walked completely through the door, then was bombarded with animals. Mary Jane tried to jump up on me but I quickly reacted and kneed her, I did not want anything happening to this baby.

"Sorry Mary Jane." I apologize.

"Miles, what has gotten into you? You text me to bring River home, then you knee your own dog because she greeted you? Don't show River that abuse is okay."

"River, when I kneed Mary Jane it was just a quick reaction. Don't ever hurt the animals." I say to River.

"Okay mommy." He says. "Am I home for good now?" He asks.

"Yeah, is he? I don't want him catching the flu. That's the last thing we need right now considering we're trying for a baby. Did the doctor give you anything for the flu? Are you even gonna be okay?" Liam asks.

"I'll be fine. And just letting you know River can't catch what I've got."

"Is it a bad infection, or like bronchial thing, or...?" Liam replies.

"Nope. I've got a case called pregnant-itis." Then I smile.

"What? Are you for sure? Like, for real? Don't toy with me woman, are you really sure?" Then I kiss him on the lips.

"I'm really pregnant, for sure." I say, then kneel down to River. "Hear that River?"

"What?" River asks.

"I've got a baby inside my tummy. You're gonna be a big brother." I say with a smile. Then his eyes light up.

"Really?! Mommy really?!" He asks excitedly.

"Really River, really. You're gonna be a big brother." Then I stand up, and wipe away my happy tears.

"Boy or girl?" He asks.

"I don't know yet, the doctor only heard the heartbeat. I don't know how big the baby is yet or what gender it is gonna be."

"Wait, heard?" Liam asks.

"I went to my actual doctor, and she listened to my intestines and that's when she heard the heartbeat." I explain.

"Oh, okay. So you didn't see it yet? Cause I wanna see it first time with you. I think-"

"River should come?" I ask, guessing what he was gonna say.

"Yeah." Then he takes a deep breath, then lets it out. "Wow...we're gonna be parents...again."

"I'm scared shitless."

"I know Miley, I figured. You haven't done the whole baby thing in a long time. Neither have I, which is why I'm scared too. We'll make it through it, though. We'll just make sure the second you go into labor we go to the hospital. I don't feel like helping you give birth in the backseat...again."

"What do you mean?" River asks.

"Uh...well, you were born in the backseat of daddy's car. His old car, he got a new one since then." I explain.

"Oh! Ew!" Then Liam and I laugh.

"Well Liam, how about that. We're having another baby." I say, then take a deep breath.

"I know...isn't it great? I'm so happy, I'm also scared though." Then I kiss him.

"That's fine, I'm scared but happy too." I say.

"I'm just happy!" River exclaims, then we all laugh. I was definitely happy I was finally gonna be able to give River the sibling he's wanted for a long time.

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