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January 14th
Miley's POV

1:00 AM

I've been in the hospital since about 10:30, and I was getting tired of just lying here with nothing to do except breathe through my contractions and talk to Liam. River was still sleeping by me in the bed.

"Hello, Miley." Dr. Cooper says coming in.

"Hi." I say, greeting her back.

"How are you doing?" She asks.

"Well, I'm in pain but other than that I'm happy I'll be able to finally meet our little girl." I say, then hold Liam's hand. Then she sits in front of me and puts some gloves on.

"That's good that you're thinking about things positively." Then I nod.

"Please tell me I'm close."

"You're at eight centimeters. About maybe another hour." Then I sigh.

"Thanks." I say before she throws away her gloves and leaves.

"Well eight centimeters is better than five." Liam says.

"Yeah, I suppose. Ugh why can't I just be done with this? Why can't she just come already?"

"Technically she is coming." Then I glare at him. "What?"

"Shut up." I snap.

"Okay okay." Then River opens his eyes and yawns.

"Hey buddy, did you enjoy your nap?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, I'm tired still though. Is the baby here yet?" River replies.

"No, not yet baby. Soon though, I'm getting closer." I say.

"Good. I wanna see my sister." Then I smile.

"Are you excited it's a girl River?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah! I really wanted a sister."

"I thought you wanted a brother." Liam says confused.

"I changed my mind." River says, then I laugh.

"So you're happy it's a girl then?" Liam asks.

"That's what I just said. Duh." River says, then Liam and I both laugh.

"Ow." I say, holding my stomach.

"Mommy you okay?"

"River, I'm fine. It just hurts. It'll get better. I promise."

"Okay. I just worry." He says then hugs me.

"Aw, thanks River."

"I love you mommy."

"I love you too River." Then I kiss his cheek.

3 AM

I was in tears. The contractions were really bad, and the baby still hasn't came.

"Miley, it's gonna be okay. Don't cry you're scaring River." Liam says, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Liam it didn't hurt this bad before." I say, then Dr. Cooper comes in.

"Oh, Miley. Why are you crying?"

"It just hurts really bad. I'm starting to think I should've got the epidural." Then I groan in pain and Dr. Cooper puts on gloves and sits in front of me again.

"Please tell us it's time." Liam says, holding my hand.

"Well, I've got some good news then. You're ten centimeters, Miley. It's time to push." Then I sigh in relief. "I'll be right back." Then she gets up and leaves.

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