The Only Exception (Barnes x reader)

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Based on the song of the same name

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry

And curse at the wind.

He broke his own heart and I watched

As he tried to reassemble it.

And my momma swore

That she would never let herself forget.

And that was the day that I promised

I'd never sing of love if it does not exist.

"Hey, (Y/N), you want me to grab anything for ya?" Steve asked, standing up from the expansive couch in the lounge of the tower with an extended stretch of his arms above his head and a long yawn. "I need caffeine or I'll be asleep before we get even halfway through the movie."

"Nah, I'm good. But if you remember, I said we didn't have to do this. You had a tough mission today, Steve, I think you can pass on this."

"Movie night is always Thursday. We can't break tradition now. Besides, you had a rough day too. We both need this." He gave you a fatigued smile, though a hint of sparkle still reflected in his eyes from behind heavy lids. Steve glanced at Bucky, who was sitting on the couch next to you but watching the screen intently. Or, at least he appeared that way.

"Was it bad?"

You had to strain to listen, not sure if you had actually heard him speak or if you had imagined it. "Did you say something, Buck?"

"Was it bad?" he asked again, slightly louder than the first time, but his head was still turned away. "With your parents today? You've seemed really tense since you got back."

Even though his gaze was cast away, you nodded in agreement; you had been tense. You'd been in knots since you got back to the tower to meet up with your friends. Spending time with your parents was work, and frustration, and pain with only the slightest hint of what joy used to feel like. They argued over everything and nothing, sometimes forgetting that you were even there, wrapped up in their own drama and rehashing histories that were long gone. Steve knew how much it bothered you; he was your best friend and had seen it first hand. Bucky was still fairly new to the team, and to you, but despite that he was beginning to find a special place in your heart with each interaction. For a man who had been through so much trauma of his own, he was a surprisingly gentle soul.

"It sucked. But its okay, I'm used to it. Steve usually does a good job of getting me out of there when he sees that I'm about to lose it. I just didn't have him there today, is all," you sighed, jumping slightly when he grabbed your feet and spun you to put them over his lap. He slowly and methodically began to rub them until you felt your entire body begin to relax. "If you keep doing that, I'll be asleep before the old man."

"So what if you are?"

"You'd have to carry me back to my room."

Bucky didn't say anything for several minutes, his gaze still fixed on the images on the screen while his hands continued to work their magic on your feet; his grip changed slightly and moved up towards your calf. "Could I come with you?"

"I'm sorry?"

He finally turned his head to look at you for the first time, opening his mouth to respond just at Steve reappeared. Trying to be quick, he leaned in close to whisper in your ear; holding his head steady, his gaze shifted past you to cautiously watch his friend approach. "Could I come with you?"

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