There's a Spider on Your Neck (Peter Parker/Avengers x reader)

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With your final exams only a few days away, you decided that studying in the lab around Bruce and Tony could only be a benefit, hoping to soak in some of their genius. You lined up your books around you, finding a quiet spot in the back corner of the room as to not get in their way.

Bruce paused and set down his current project, tapping Tony on the shoulder to turn and watch you as you worked. One hand was turning the pages of your book, but the other was performing a dance with your fingers, creating images and waves of color across the room. It was something that happened when you were focused on a task; energy that was building up inside had to escape. Your abilities of light manipulation were considered new amongst others on the team, but you were beginning to get a handle on what your limitations were.

"(Y/N), that's beautiful," Bruce whispered, startling you from your concentration and breaking the illusions stemming from your fingertips. "Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, it's okay," you yawned, turning your wrist over to check your watch, "it's time to turn in anyway." You began to gather your books and stood to leave, giving each man a quick kiss on the cheek. Being the youngest on the team, your relationship with these two grew rapidly into a parental role, guiding and protecting you as you developed into a team member in your own right.

"Goodnight, kiddo." Tony waved towards the door as you exited, looking again at your watch. If you were going to meet your boyfriend on time, you had to hurry, and you had nearly missed it in your absentmindedness.

Rushing to your room, you threw your study materials on your bed and grabbed a jacket, heading out now for the roof of the tower. You opened your door and looked up and down the hall, relieved to see no one from the team nearby; you turned back into your room for a moment and whispered into the darkness, "FRIDAY, you saw nothing."

"Yes, miss," she whispered in reply.

When you opened the door to the roof, the wind that rushed in nearly knocked you over, but you steadied yourself before stepping out. You stood in the exact spot he told you to, only a foot from the edge. Hesitantly looking over the side, you felt a little wave of vertigo but resisted stepping back, worried that you would make him miss his mark.

Seconds later you gasped at the sensation of suddenly flying when he grabbed you, looking down at the city passing below. You laughed at the irony of how free it felt to be held so tightly, soaring through the city from building to building towards your destination.

"Hey, sweets," he chuckled, "you were late."

"Was not!"

"I passed by twice!"

"Hey, I'm worth the wait, Parker."

"That you are, (Y/N)," he said with a deep sigh, "that you are."


Peter had brought you to the Shakespeare Garden at Central Park, knowing it was one of your favorite places in the city to find peace and quiet amongst the craziness on New York. He draped a blanket over one of the benches, with its knotty and winding wood curving against your skin as you lay back against his chest.

He raised his hand slightly and covered the trees next to you in webs, knowing that you would make them more beautiful than he ever could. "They're all yours, (Y/N)," he whispered, kissing your head and waiting with wide eyes for you to work your magic.

You studied the shapes and patterns in them for a moment, learning the contours and curves in the trees and how light would play off the tangled art that he had created for you. Raising your hand just slightly, you created a spectrum of colors that sparkled through the webs, giving them a three-dimensional glow that filled the night sky above you.

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