The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow (Avengers x reader)

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The sun was your enemy. You were convinced that there was a cosmic force out there, just waiting to torture you when the sun finally rose and shone it's glaring light into your room, waking you from a peaceful sleep to start the day. Little did the sun know, you were its arch nemesis, it's one true enemy, the one who could wipe away that happy disposition. With a wave of your hand and a loud groan as you rolled over into your blankets, the clouds began to build and covered the rays that lit your room. The soft tapping of rain hit your windows, lulling you back to sleep.

"Miss, your training session is in five minutes."

"Leave me alone, FRIDAY. Don't make me fry your systems again."

"Apologies, but I should warn you that Miss Romanoff is on her way."

It crossed your mind, only in a flash, that you could easily redirect Natasha away and remain in the comfort of your bed for as long as you wanted, but it wouldn't be fair to manipulate her that way. You had always chosen your powers carefully and vowed to use them only when absolutely necessary. Right now, keeping the sun out of your eyes was considered as such.

"Get up, you lazy bum!"

"Come back later, you pushy jerk!"

Your door swung open to reveal Natasha, holding your gear with a smirk on her face. "Get your ass out of bed." She threw the uniform on the bed next to you and pulled your blankets back. She walked to your windows and pulled the curtains open, laughing at the current state of the weather. "It was sunny just a couple of minutes ago. I assume this was you?"

"You can't prove a thing." You reluctantly rolled over and grabbed your suit, making your way to the bathroom to prepare for your session, knowing that your energy was no match for hers today. "I don't know why you keep trying, Nat. I suck at combat."

"Captain's orders. You need to be able to handle yourself without using your powers." She turned away from the window and leaned back against the ledge, raising her voice so you could hear her through the bathroom door. "Hey, about that, what exactly are your powers anyway? The team has a bet going on and I'd really like to win."

You peeked your head out through the door, confused that they wouldn't already know this. You distinctly remembered that Steve was holding your file when you arrived at the tower, and the entire team was there to greet you. Did they not read it? Well, if they really didn't know, then it served them right to lose a little cash.

"If you don't know after all this time, then I'm not gonna just give it away so you can win some silly bet. Some spy you've turned out to be."


You may have picked on her spy skills, but you would never doubt her skills at fighting. Your entire body hurt after the morning session was complete, and all you wanted was a shower and to go back to bed. As you unwrapped your hands and helped Nat put away the equipment, Tony's voice boomed throughout the room.

"Alright, kids, suit up and meet at the jet in ten."

Natasha laughed to herself, knowing full well what you would rather be doing, and how sore she had made you. "So, you up for this, (Y/N)?"

"Sure, let's do it." You tried to look like it was just another mission, and that you couldn't understand why she would think you didn't want to go, but in reality it was the last place you wanted to be.

"Great, I'm going to have my eye on you," she pointed your direction as she walked through the door, "I'll win this bet once and for all."

Oh, if that's how she wanted to play, you were ready to play. Once the team arrived at the mission site, you took a moment to center yourself and focus on the powers you wanted to use. You had one of the rarest skills, the power of ability creation; you could develop any ability needed in the moment, and sometimes bestow it on a teammate if needed. You had never done that before, but maybe today would be the day to have a little fun with it.

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