Too Far (Steve Rogers x reader)

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"(Y/N), what the hell do you think you're doing? I gave you a direct order, and you had better follow it!"

"Well it was a bad order, Steve! I can get to them!"

"I'm not going to say this again, you need to stand down!"

"You need to take the power trip down a notch!"

"Guys," Tony interjected over the comm, "is this really the time for you two-"

"Shut up, Stark!" you both yelled together, so loudly that Clint ripped out his earpiece and shook his head to regain his senses.

"Not this again," he grumbled.

"(Y/N), I swear to god if you go in there..." Steve ran to the building as you entered, missing you by only a moment. "Seriously?! Are you doing this to me on purpose? Do you enjoy this?"

Steve waited for you to yell back with some sarcastic answer, but none came. He stopped and tapped his ear, wondering if he lost the connection. "(Y/N), can you hear me?"


"Uh, Cap. We can all hear you," Natasha said with a hint of worry in her voice.

Steve's eyes widened and his breath quickened as he ran into the building, his heart beating so hard that he could hear it, drowning out the other voices of the team. Tony and Clint rushed to follow in behind him, not knowing what they were going to face and making sure that the Captain had back up.

Natasha stood with Thor, anxiously pacing back and forth with her hands on her hips and watching her feet. If she stared at the door too long she knew that she wouldn't be able to hold back from running in. Thor was silent and motionless, with Bruce next to him, both waiting for even the smallest signal to act.

Romanoff jumped and her head snapped up when the door broke off its hinges and flew from the building. She gasped as she saw Steve barreling towards her, carrying your lifeless body in his arms.

"Get the jet!"


Tony had a couch brought into the infirmary so Steve could stay at your side day and night, even though he still insisted that the Captain should get out for some air once in a while. Your fiancé was certainly known for his tenacity, and this was no different; he had skipped the last three missions, slept a total of six hours, and ate only twice in the past five days as he waited for you to wake up. He was told that all he could do was wait, so that's exactly was he was committed to doing.

"If you were awake, I could tell you how pissed off I am," he whispered to you. "I know how you love a good argument."

Every time he spoke to you, he held onto a thread of hope that it would be the time that brought you back, and with each attempt he began to numb to the disappointment that followed. He felt helpless to do anything else, not understanding the monitors and medications they were giving you, so he thought that this was the only way he could contribute.

"If you were awake, I would punish you for insubordination," he scoffed. "You are so suspended, (Y/N)."

Bruce approached quietly and stood on the other side of your bed, taking notes on what he was seeing on your monitors and adjusting the fluids that were infusing into your veins. "Steve," he began, clearing his throat nervously, "she hasn't been sedated for the past three days, and nothing has changed. I'm going to test her brain function now, and I don't think you should be here."

Steve took a long breath and sat back in his chair with a stern look at the doctor. He crossed his arms over his chest and opened his mouth to reply, but instead glanced over his shoulder when he heard Tony and Thor enter the room.

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