What's the Vibranium For? (Carter/Rogers/Barnes x reader)

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"You are a bloody idiot, Barnes, do you know that?"

Steve moved slowly to stand between Peggy and Bucky, his eyes keenly watching the weapon that she still held in her hands.

"I sent her with you so that you could look after her, not let her run off on her own! Now we have no way to find her, and for all we know she could be dead!"

"Peg, calm down," Steve sighed with his hands in front of him, doing his best to distract her from his friend. "She's not dead."

"No, I will not calm down! She may have the same strength as you, Steve, but that doesn't make either of you infallible. It makes the both of you more stupid than ever!"

"Thanks for the confidence, but could you maybe put the gun down just a little?"

Peggy closed her eyes and took a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds before slowly releasing it and opening them again to look at Steve and Bucky with a cool resolve. "Alright, listen to me. We push forward; we can't afford to stop now when we are so close to winning and taking this monster down. I suppose that I...we...have to trust that she will find her own way."


Little did Peggy know, but Steve was right that day; you were alive. After the loss of both Steve and Bucky, she believed that you had to be dead as well and had given up all hope of finding you. With the war finally over, she didn't know what her life would be like now, and the days were with filled with questions that couldn't be answered and regrets that she wouldn't likely forget any time soon.

"Another, please." She held up her empty glass to the bartender, knowing that more alcohol would do nothing to make her feel better, but it didn't mean she would stop trying.

"Here you go, ma'am. It's been covered."

Her head snapped up and she looked at him with confusion, "what do you mean?"

He simply pointed to a small table on the other side of the bar. She turned and looked, only to gasp at who she saw. Her face paled as if she were looking at a ghost from her past.


"Hey, Peg. Long time, no see." You grabbed your own drink and made your way to her, not sure of how this reunion would go given that you were there to recruit her for a mission that she was likely to ask you to sit out of so she wouldn't lose you again.

"Oh my god, I thought you were dead," she sighed as she pulled you into an embrace. After a moment she pulled back, still holding your shoulders and looking at you with trepidation. "We lost them both," she whispered, her voice cracking slightly, "did you know?"

"Only recently," you nodded and looked to the floor, "I'm not sure if I believe it though, to be honest. I've seen some things that lead me to think otherwise." You took a seat next to her and considered your words before you spoke again.

"I'm not a mind-reader, (Y/N). Tell me what you saw."

"Hydra is still out there," you paused, taking down the rest of your drink with one swallow, setting the glass down heavily on the bar. "And I need you to help me stop them."


After a month of collecting as much data as she could find, dodging Army security blocks and sneaking into offices that would have her immediately arrested if she were found inside, Peggy had finally found the location of a base that was believed to be Hydra's; it was where you had heard Bucky's voice, leading you inside. It was where they had held you for months after you tried to reach him, slowly pulling information from your mind and leaving only blank spaces behind that they filled with the directive that you were now following.

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