Daddy's Girl (Tony Stark x reader)

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"Miss, the upload is complete and I am fully integrated into your systems. Your suit is now flight-ready."

"Alright, old man, you suited up or what? Not scared, are ya?" You stood on the landing pad at the Avengers tower, looking over the edge, your father close behind.

"You know," Tony said, "when your mom sent you to live with me because she said she couldn't handle you, I didn't believe it. I seem to be doing just fine."

"Yeah, it's all you." You turned towards him and gave a small salute as you tipped back, free-falling from the ledge.

Tony sighed and closed the face plate on his own suit, following you on your flight. "She just didn't understand what you needed."


When you and your dad returned from the first flight in your new suit, you realized that you had been so busy preparing for that moment, that you forgot to eat all day and were now totally starving.

"Hey, JARVIS? The thruster on the right boot is a bit sluggish. Could you run a diagnostic for me while dad buys me lunch?" You gave Tony your best convincing sad eyes that you could muster, knowing he would likely give in no matter what.

"You don't need to do that, you know. I'm starving too." Once his suit was fully removed, he threw on his shoes and summoned you towards the door. "How does that new burger place down the block sound?" You quietly mumbled an agreement, keeping pace with his long strides. He moved towards the elevator leading to the garage, but you grabbed his arm to hold him back.

"It's only a few blocks, let's just walk. After all that flying today, I'd like to feel the ground beneath me for a bit."

Being outside when in your suit rather than being outside in your natural element were two completely different experiences. It felt good to feel the early autumn breeze, and the sun that was comfortably warm rather than hot and humid as it had been all summer. The city streets were bustling with activity, the sidewalks packed with people in all directions. It was an attack on the senses, but after having lived in New York for the past six months with your dad, you wouldn't trade it for anything.

"Alright, so it's down this way, right?" Neither of you were certain of the cross street you needed, so Tony was about to pull his phone to map out the address of the restaurant you were seeking. As you stood and waited, a hand reached from behind and pulled you backwards. You could feel the sharp sting of a blade against your neck followed by a tiny trickle of blood.

"Okay, so if we all do what I say, then no one gets hurt."

You didn't resist, and your father didn't move.

"Clean out your pockets, man. Put it all in here." The assailant took off his dingy hat and threw it at Tony's feet; he looked at it, unimpressed and still unmoving. Your arms twitched slightly as your muscles responded to the rush of adrenaline coursing thru you as you waited for your dad to make a move. "Hey, did you hear me? I said clean 'em out!"

You rolled your eyes at Tony as he replied, "yeah, yeah I heard you. I just want to be sure to watch this,"

"Watch wha-"

Grabbing the man's arm, you pulled it away from your neck as you twisted him around in front of you. Your knee met his face with so much force that even your dad winced, but you weren't concerned with being nice. As the man dropped to the ground, seemingly unconscious from the hit, you gave him a small kick to be sure he was out. You then slid your newly acquired knife into your boot and took Tony's hand, still no idea which direction you needed to go.

"Were you scared?"

"No, dad. You taught me better than that, remember?" As you looked in each direction down the sidewalks, you let out a loud sigh of exasperation. "I take that back. I am scared that we're gonna starve to death out here."

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