Is that...? (A Banner Tumblr Drabble)

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"I've never been to one of these ComicCon things before, have you?"  Bruce asked while trying to keep a low profile

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"I've never been to one of these ComicCon things before, have you?" Bruce asked while trying to keep a low profile. It wasn't exactly the best place for him to avoid attention, but Tony insisted that he come with him to see the Marvel cast panel and to give Downey a few pointers about his portrayal of his character

"Bruce, stop cowering. What do you think is gonna happen? So someone recognizes you, would that be so terrible?"


Tony shook his head and continued on, showing his VIP pass to the guard so that they could move towards the interview lines to meet up with the cast there. "Man up, Banner. We're going in."

As the two men made their way down the interview line, they found Evans first, stopping for the usual greetings and taking a moment to remind him of the upcoming Avengers and cast gathering at the tower. "Hey man, are you bringing a date?" Tony said with a smirk, "or maybe three or four, I hope?"

"Oh yeah," the actor laughed out loud, "I'll have the hottest date there! I'm bringing Seb!"

"Figures," Tony sighed, "thought I could count on you, man. At least grab a few fangirls on your way, huh?"

Bruce shook Chris' hand and gave a small greeting, looking along the group to see if Mark was attending, but much to his disappointment, he wasn't there. The duo continued down the line, taking a few minutes with Scarlett and Jeremy before Tony finally connected with Robert.



"Hey, guys, I'm just gonna..." Bruce interrupted, pointing towards the end of the row where Mackie was posing for fan photos. He pushed past a few reporters and photographers but soon found himself stuck up against the wall behind everyone. Keeping his head down in an attempt to not disrupt anyone, he continued on, but soon paused at the sight of someone he wasn't expecting to see.

His mouth hung open as he passed by, watching the actor finish his interview with a smile and a politeness that Bruce had always respected in him. He couldn't stop staring, in awe of the newest member of the MCU though they had never formally met. Bruce glanced over at one of the nearby reporters and pointed back, mouthing his words silently and trying to not bring too much attention to himself, or at least no more than he already had.

"Is that Paul Rudd?!"  

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