Do it Again (Leo Fits/AOS x reader)

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"Sir, I need you to look at this. Quickly." Fitz ran to Coulson's side, pushing a tablet into his hands so that he could look at the data that he and Simmons had been collecting. "I think this is...bad."

Phil turned and looked at him, unsure of what he meant. "If you expect me to be impressed or shocked by this, then you're going to have to give me a little bit more."

Fitz grabbed the tablet back from the Director's hands, clearly frustrated that he wasn't as excited about this as he should be. "Look, here," he pointed at the screen as he held it up for easier viewing, "if you magnify this, now look."

At first, Phil had to squint his eyes to see what he was supposed to, but once he realized what he was looking at, his eyes widened in shock as he pulled the tablet back from Fitz. He turned quickly, his body tense now, "this is bad."


Fitz, Simmons and May ran behind Coulson as he pulled up the image he had just seen on a bigger screen for them all to examine. "What does that look like to you? Right there?"

May moved closer, focusing on the small item in the corner of the picture. "Is that (Y/N)'s necklace?" She turned back to Coulson, sharing a concerned look before her expression turned cold and determined. "How long has she been gone?"

"17 hours now," Fitz said quietly, "we've had no communication with her or her captors. Whoever they are."

The Director sighed, folding his arms across his chest as he continued to stare at the screen. "We know who they are. She dumped it when they grabbed her. She knew they couldn't get their hands on this."

"Sir?" Jemma looked at him, thoroughly confused now. "I don't understand, what's the significance of that necklace?"

"Fitz, I need you to get the exact coordinates so we can retrieve it immediately. Then we look for (Y/N)." He turned to walk out, but the group still hadn't heard the answer to the question that had to be known before they moved forward.


Coulson stopped to speak, but didn't turn to face them. "It was a gift to her from Thor. That necklace holds Uru, the Asgardian ore used to forge Mjolnir. It can store unlimited amounts of energy, and will redirect and enhance any powers or natural abilities of those who hold it. In the wrong hands..."

"It could become a weapon," Fitz whispered, almost too quietly to hear.

"Exactly. That's why we need to move. Now."


"Where is it, agent?" A firm slap landed on your cheek, the sound resonating throughout the room. "We have plans for that, and will not permit anyone to get in our way, do you understand? Even if you are dead, we will find it. It would lessen your suffering if you just tell us."

You stayed silent, firm in your resolve that you would never tell them where the necklace was. Staring the man down, you didn't try to free yourself or fight back. You would die for this, willingly and proudly, just as the Director would expect any agent to do.

"Maybe I'll have better success breaking her."

Rage grew inside of you when you heard Grant Ward's voice in the shadows. You would never give him what he wanted; the necklace or your demise. He didn't deserve the satisfaction of taking your life, but you would delight in taking his. "What do you say we handle this like grownups, huh Ward? Why don't you untie me so we can do this right? I've grown beyond that shitty joke you called training."

He smiled at you, but it wasn't even close to genuine. "I see you still have that little problem of overblown ego there, (Y/N). I can't wait to bust that wide open."

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