Earth, Wind and Gunfire (Pietro Maximoff x reader)

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Pietro sped past Wanda with a speed that nearly knocked her to the ground, both of them laughing out loud at the idea that he could be even faster than he already had become. She jogged over and stood behind you, watching her brother continue to sprint with the wind at his back; the winds that you were creating to push him further. Your hands were out in front of you, twisting and turning slightly to curve his trajectory so he stayed safe. Sometimes when Pietro ran too quickly, he became so lost in the moment that he didn't always pay attention to where his feet were taking him.

"He hasn't looked this happy in a long time. You're good for him, (Y/N)," she laughed as he approached, seeing him trip over his last few steps before stopping. His arms wrapped around your waist to maintain his balance, but he only succeeded in taking you down with him.

"Why? Why would you think that I could stop you?" you groaned, slowly pulling yourself up. "Or did you just think it was funny?"

"You're so beautiful when you're angry," he murmured, still lying on the ground by your feet but now looking up at you. "Perhaps that is why I'm always finding opportunities."

"Perhaps that will be why I'm leaving you down there." You winked at Wanda and began to walk away, but made it not even two steps before you found yourself in his arms and running with the wind blowing through your hair.

"I should think not, my love. It takes much more than that to keep me down."


"Send out the twins."

Wanda looked up at Pietro with a hint of fear in her eyes, her hand moving nervously within his. Yes, this is what they had signed up for, the doctor was right, but that made them no less anxious about what they were being asked to do. Adding to their hesitation was that they hadn't seen you in hours, when the three of you were normally inseparable.

"Did she say anything to you?" Wanda whispered.

"No," he replied, looking around the room past her. "I don't like it. What if they put her out there in this? She shouldn't be out there alone."

"Where is (Y/N)? Why isn't she next to us?" she asked aloud.

Strucker put a consoling hand on her arm and tried to give Wanda a reassuring look, but it did nothing to soothe her. "Don't worry, my dear. (Y/N) is doing exceptional. Look outside." He brought her to a nearby window and pointed to the scene outside, now filled with smoke and alight with explosions around them. "Did you see any snow here only an hour ago? She has made this to slow down their efforts. She is doing what she was trained for."

Strucker returned to Dr. List's side to discuss their plan, but the twins had completely different ideas. When the doctor turned back to face them, they were gone.


"(Y/N)!" they both yelled in unison, searching for any sign of you in the expansive woods around them, ducking behind trees at the sight of any of the Avengers that were on the attack.

"Go back to the shelter, sister. I will find her."

"I'm not leaving you," she argued.

"I can handle this," Pietro replied, running from her and out of sight. It didn't take him long to find you, though given his speed he thought it would have been faster. You were only a few feet away from a man with a bow and arrow, and he was taking aim in your direction. Pietro sped to your side and lifted you effortlessly to carry you to safety.

"So nice of you to join us, darling," you cooed, "I was worried that I was winning this one on my own."

"You shouldn't be out here, (Y/N). You could be killed."

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