Double Agent (Avengers x reader)

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As you walked into the common room of the tower, you noticed Natasha looking intently at a computer screen, rapidly scrolling thru pages of information. Clint was behind her, leaning over to read what she was finding and discussing whatever they were looking at with animated expressions and gestures. Whatever they were working on, it looked intense.

"No, that's a terrible idea." Nat said as she leaned back in her chair and pointed at the screen, "travel time alone will take up too much of the day. We want to get there before all the rugrats take over."

"Okay, valid point." Clint paused to move to another screen, "hey, here's one! 96 acres of rides, slides and pools, and the kiddie section is on it's own. And look, it's just over in Long Island."

Now your curiosity was in full force, wanting to know what was going on. "Can one of you please tell me what has you so intrigued over here?" You moved so that you too could look over Nat's shoulder and saw that the two of the most feared master assassins known were planning a trip to a local water park. "The way you two were going on, I was sure you were planning our next mission."

"Oh, we are."


The Avengers would be split into teams, working together to overtake the other. Marking your target as dead or captured would be identified by taking their park bracelet so they would no longer be allowed to participate on the premises and would be forced to sit out. No one would be permitted to bring any gear or use their powers, and civilian safety was of the utmost importance. The team who either took out the other completely or had the most bracelets collected by park close would be the winner.

"Why is it that we can never just go somewhere and have fun like normal people?" you grumbled as you hopped from the back of Steve's motorcycle.

"Sweetheart, do we look like normal people?"

You laughed as you removed your outer clothing to reveal your swimsuit, pausing to enjoy the feeling of the sun beating against your skin, "Point taken. It's not fair that you and I were split into opposite teams though. How am I supposed to be expected to take out my beautiful boyfriend?" Your eyes followed as Steve removed his t-shirt, exposing is muscular form.

"You're staring."

After a few seconds you were startled out of your trance, ", what?"

Steve grabbed your waist and pulled you against his chest. "Like what you see?"

Looking up at him, you stood on your toes to whisper in his ear, softly grazing your lips against his cheek, "baby, I'm just deciding how I'm gonna take you down." You pulled away, pushing against his chest to release his grip.

A low growl came from him, his eyes looking at you intensely, "I can't wait."

"Alright, you two break it up. You're supposed to be mortal enemies, remember? You can't go into this compromised or you're useless to me, (Y/N)." Natasha handed you your park bracelet, smirking as she looked at Steve, "you ready to be beaten by a girl, Rogers?"

He nodded silently, still looking at you. "I've never been more ready, Romanoff."


The teams were split with Captains Steve and Tony; Steve's team was made of Clint, Sam, Wanda, Bruce and Thor. Tony's team was you, Nat, Bucky, Pietro, and Vision. After a five minute head start, the game was on. Your team split up immediately, using comms to communicate. It didn't take long for those who were there for fun to be separated from those who were out for blood and glory. Over the course of the first hour, the teams were reduced to Steve and Clint against Tony, Nat, and you.

"How has no one found Hawkeye yet? Look high, guys."

"Stark, don't you think he's going to be expecting that?" Nat said with an annoyed tone to her voice. You could tell she was pissed that she hadn't taken out her best friend yet. "I'll take the Hawk, you two take Flag Boy."

You could hear Tony snicker at her choice in name for Steve, "Atta girl. That one's added to my vocabulary for sure. Alright, (Y/N), you up for this? Got any inside info on that boyfriend of yours?"

"Yeah, he's right behind you."

Shaking your head at the sound of Steve's voice in your comm, you laughed as you heard him take Tony's bracelet and the continuous whining from your team's former leader. "(Y/N), I'm counting on you to take him down, you hear me?"

"Yes, boss."

You quickly moved to take the high ground, looking for both your last teammate and Steve from the top of the highest slide at the center of the park. Finding two spies amidst a crowd wasn't going to be easy, but a man of Steve's size should be a bit more manageable.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid you can't stand there." You spun around to see Clint reaching out to grab your arm, but you pulled away quickly and dropped low to swing your leg and kick the back of his knees. As he fell forward you moved behind him to hold his legs down with your own, pulling his arms behind him so you would remove his bracelet.

"Nat, what the hell? I thought you were on Hawkeye?" Clint tried to fight as you pulled at his bracelet, but to no avail. "Stop fighting, Clint. You lost, just accept it."

Steve's deep voice was again in your ear, "She can't talk right now, baby."

You were laughing out loud now, but quieted as you looked at the shocked faces of the people waiting in line for the slide, watching as you struggled to hold Clint to the ground.

"He was trying to cut in line. Let him be a lesson to you kids."


After following Clint to the bottom of the slide, you stepped cautiously out of the pool, looking for Steve. "Alright, Barton. Out you go."

"Just so you know, this was all Nat's idea. I just wanted a day out."

"Go. I'm busy." As Clint sulked away, you glanced at the map of the park on a nearby wall. You were at the center of the park, so really any direction could potentially run you right into Steve. You were the final two, so there were no worries about anyone else being on the hunt.


Steve's command had you moving quickly towards the lazy river that ran thru the park. As you reached the entrance you saw him approaching, smiling to yourself as you saw the park patrons staring at him as he passed. It happened to him so often now that he never even took notice.

"Nice work, my dear. It's down to just us two."

"Same to you, doll. Shall we?"

Steve grabbed a large inner tube and threw it into the water. He threw you over his shoulder and jumped in, seating himself on the tube with you on his lap. "I think we've earned a little relaxation, don't you?"

"That's what they get for splitting us up."

After an hour floating around the park, enjoying the warm sun, cool water, and rare quiet time together, you both decided it was probably time to go and to let your team off the hook from waiting for you. When you approached the park entrance, you couldn't help but laugh at the group of superheroes, sitting together with defeated looks on their faces.

"Look at them. I kinda feel bad."

"Don't worry about them, babe," you said, "they knew what they were getting into."

Steve shrugged his shoulders in agreement, reaching down to remove his bracelet before exiting the park. You reached out your hand to take it from him. "Here, I'll take care of that for you." He handed it to you without hesitation.

"Oh, babe. That was too easy. I might need to try this 'double agent' thing more often." You waved his bracelet in the air, running towards the team. "Hey, Tony! We won!"

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