Don't Make Me Angry (Bucky Barnes x reader)

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Where am I?

I'm cold. My head...

"Young lady, are you injured? Were you inside that structure during the battle?"

"What...Who are you...?"

As the man reached down to lift you from the frozen ground, the world went dark before you could say any more.


It had been six months now since Thor had carried you out of the woods that day, not caring that he didn't know who you were or where you came from. The Avengers had stormed a hidden HYDRA lab, looking for suspected subjects of human experimentation, and you had managed to break free as the scientists and guards that surrounded you had run off to assist in the fight.

You weren't sure of the details; it was all hazy and broken in your memory, but you clearly remember Thor's face as he leaned over you. He was being cautious for some reason, holding his hammer in front of himself as a defense. You didn't understand it at the time; hell, you didn't understand anything.

You really understand now.

"(Y/N) if you can't find a way to control your rage then this will never work." Bruce stood next to you as you leaned against the lab table, your breaths ragged and strained. Your hands gripped its edges, your arms locked tightly as they trembled with a building energy.

"Listen to me. You are a part of this team now. We need you to do this. You need to do this. Focus on keeping your mind in control."

His voice was becoming distant and your heart began to pound so hard that you were certain it would explode within you. "Doctor Banner..." A low growl rumbled from deep in your chest. You looked at your hands, now a familiar shade of green, as they began to crack the wooden table.

"(Y/N). You can do this." He backed away, preparing himself to intervene.

Your mind was blank as you looked at him. A red haired woman now stood before you, her hands in front of her, trying to calm you. Bruce, I think you had better stop her. Her words meant nothing. She was nothing to you. She was a threat.

As your clothing ripped away and your body completed its transformation, you let out a roar that shook the windows of the lab. The red haired woman ran for the door, sounding alarms that stunned you and shrieked in your ears. She needed to be stopped.

You took a booming step towards her as a man with a shield and another in some sort of metal suit stepped into the doorway. Banner, do something now! A loud roar then came from behind you. You turned to face the new threat and were met with a hard hit to your face, knocking you down. Something stabbed you in your leg, and you fought to maintain consciousness as the larger green hulk held you down, but your fight was quickly over.


You woke with a start, straps covering your chest, arms and legs, securing you to the gurney. As your senses came back to you, it was clear that you were still in the lab; you could hear Bruce working a few feet away.

"Did I hurt anyone?"

"Hey, you're awake." The doctor moved to stand next to you, now beginning to remove your restraints. "No, you didn't hurt anyone."

"But you had to stop me, didn't you?" You closed your eyes, regretful that he had to transform himself because of you, knowing how difficult it was for him. "I'm sorry. Maybe we should just give up."

"Absolutely not. (Y/N), you'll get there, I promise. These things take time."

As you sat up, Steve entered the lab, bringing the new team member that you had heard would be moving into the tower today. "Doctor Banner, (Y/N), this is Bucky Barnes. Buck, this is Bruce and (Y/N)." Bruce moved quickly to shake his hand, but you were reluctant. His face was familiar. His metal arm kept catching your vision. His knew them, but from where?

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