That's Not What I Meant (Avengers x reader)

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Part 1

"Sweetheart, no expense will be spared!  My baby sister is getting married, and I'm only gonna have one shot to get this right.  I'm gonna be sure that you have the perfect, most beautiful day that you can imagine. If anyone gets in the way, you let big brother Iron Man know.  I will do anything, and I mean anything you want, I promise!"

"Yeah, Tony...about that..."


It had taken Steve no less than four attempts to propose to you.  Well, four attempts that you knew of.  The first failed attempt involved an epically failed home-cooked meal.  He was so mad at himself that he couldn't imagine how he would feel if you then said no.  He thought with that massive failure, who wouldn't?  The second attempt involved a complete loss of the ring.  The Captain had frantically called each member of the team, offering a reward to its finder.  Pietro easily defeated the search team, but after the hours of panic he endured, Steve was just too tired to try that day.  On the third attempt, he thought for sure he had it.  Third time's the charm, right?  Nope.  He had your favorite restaurant reserved, and had planned to propose during a carriage ride thru Central Park under the stars.  He had just straightened his tie for the last time, ready to meet you, when Fury called with an urgent mission that required the team to leave immediately.  You were both gone for two weeks with not a moment alone.

"I'm so excited to finally be home."  Entering your shared room, you kicked off your boots, let down your hair, and began to remove the spare knives and guns that were hidden in your uniform.  "How about you, Cap?"

With a loud huff, he moved in front of you, planting his feet so you couldn't move any farther.  "(Y/N), I love you.  I'm pretty sure you love me.  Yes or no?" He was done trying to plan the 'perfect' situation.  His frustration had reached its peak, and all he wanted now was an answer and to move forward, one way or another.  He held the small box in front of you, barely breathing as he tried to read your expression. With a wink and a small smirk, you knew there was only one answer.

"What took you so long, Rogers?"


"Ok, so I've got Buck on best man, Sam, Thor, Bruce, Tony, Clint and Pietro as groomsmen.  Wow, that's quite the lineup, huh?  What've you got?" 

"Nat, Maria, Pep, and Wanda."  Pausing for a moment, you looked up from your wedding planning, "wait, you have more than me.  And you can't have Tony."

"Don't you think he's gonna be a little mad if he's not up there with us?  I mean, come on, he threatens us with the suit if we forget to ask him before we order a pizza."  You smiled at the memory of Iron Man greeting the delivery boy, grabbing the stack of pies and flying off without a word.  No one got dinner that night.

"Of course he's going to be up there, he's my brother.  I just want him to be on my side of the aisle, that's all."

Steve set down his pen, leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin, giving you a quizzical look.  "I don't think Tony has the legs for the dress you've chosen."

"I think he could pull it off, with the right shoes." You laughed when Steve looked at you, unsure if you were joking or not.  "Babe, I'm not even close to serious!"

Clearly relieved, he still wasn't sure of your plan. "Maybe I'm just a bit old fashioned, but aren't the gals supposed to be on one side and the fellas on the other?"

"Yeah, you are old fashioned.  But he's the only family I have on our side.  It's important that he's next to me."  You stood to stretch your legs, knowing there were still hours of details to be worked out.  "Love, you want some coffee?"

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