I'm Sorry, What? (Rogers/Barnes x reader)

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"Hey, (Y/N)! I've got one," Steve whispered as he was strapped into his own Vita-Ray machine as you watched from yours.

"No, Rogers! Now isn't the time!"

"Why do men get their greatest ideas in bed?" he smirked.

You squeezed your eyes shut and turned away, hoping that your disinterest would make him stop. He was nervous, you could tell; not only from the look on his face, but the beginning of an endless array of dirty jokes that he and Bucky would use to distract themselves when they were upset. With Bucky deployed already, you were the helpless recipient of his inappropriate sense of humor.

"I'm not doing this, Steve."

"Oh, come on, don't be such a prude." You heard him wince as he was injected with something, now suddenly quieter and less enthusiastic to embarrass you. "That wasn't so bad."

"That was penicillin," the doctor said quietly.

You laughed out loud, but cleared your throat with a slight cough to regain your composure when he glared at you, but a wide grin was still spread across your lips. "C'mon, Steve. Don't be such a baby."

Your words didn't match how you felt inside; you were terrified but didn't want Steve to know. You had only agreed to do this with him because you wanted him to know you would always be at his side and supportive. They had asked for one male and one female subject, so you jumped at the chance when he had brought it up.

As the capsule rose to stand you straight and the doors began to close, you weren't so sure anymore. You quickly looked to Steve before the doors were tight, hoping to get one last look at him as he was.

"Because they're plugged into a genius," he laughed, getting the last syllable of the punchline out just as his doors sealed shut, and your own only a few seconds behind.

"Buck is gonna kill us," you mumbled, allowing the stupid joke to give you a few seconds of laughter before the harsh lights began to surround you and the pain of the serum took its hold.


Steve's eyes were filled with sadness and apprehension when he looked at you, hoping that you would have an idea that was better than his. Anything that would change the course of the mission and allow you both to survive.

"I've gotta put her in the water!" he told Peggy, on the other end of the line. You crawled along the floor of the plane behind him and pulled yourself up on his chair, struggling to hold your balance. You rested your hands on his shoulders and gave them a small squeeze to show him that you were with him, no matter what he decided.

"Please don't do this," she replied with a broken voice, "We have time. We can work it out."

"Peggy, this is my choice."

You leaned down and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and leaned in to rest your head against his. Tears began to sting at your eyes, but you held them at bay for fear of upsetting him more, fear of making his guilt even harder to bear in his final moments.

"I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance."

"A week next Saturday, at The Stork Club."

"He doesn't know how to dance," you added quietly.

"Don't worry, (Y/N), I'll show him how." You could hear the tears in her voice, and all it did was bring you more pain, knowing that the two of them would never have their chance. And, oh, how Steve deserved a chance. You turned to leave a small kiss on his cheek then stood again to watch the plane descend in its last landing.

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