Out of the Shadows (Foggy Nelson/Rogers x reader)

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"Stay down, I said!" The man struggled beneath you, the hold you had on him slipping just a bit as he thrashed his arms and legs. You held your knee firmly on his back, putting pressure on his upper spine, hoping to at least weaken his arms a bit. "Trying to escape is pretty pointless now, don't ya think?

"Screw you, lady!"

You laughed at him, pouring salt into the wound to his ego. "Don't be bitter just because a girl kicked your ass. No worries, I won't be here when the police show up." You pulled the final zip tie tight around his ankles and ran into the darkness as the sounds of sirens grew nearer.

When you reached your apartment and quietly slipped in through your bedroom window so your neighbors wouldn't see, you felt your phone vibrate from inside your suit. With a quick glance at the clock, you winced and squeezed your eyes shut as you remembered you were supposed to meet your boyfriend 30 minutes ago.

Hey, where are you?

Sorry, babe. Just getting out of karate class. Running late.

K. How long?

I'll be there in 15.

Pulling your suit off as quickly as you could, you threw it haphazardly across your bed, your weapons falling out of it and across the floor. There was no time to worry about that right now; Foggy was waiting and you had no intention of making him wait any longer. With a fast check in the mirror for any scrapes or bruises, you grabbed your keys and ran out the door and slammed it behind you.

"(Y/N). What do you think you're doing?"

The man's appearance in front of you startled you so much that your instincts took over. Your purse flung around his neck, and as you grabbed the other side you pulled him to the ground and dug the heel of your shoe into his back.

"That wasn't quite the answer I was looking for." He grabbed your leg and flipped you backwards, but rather than landing on the dirty and broken wooden floor, you compensated and landed square on your feet. The same heel that was just pressing against his spine moments ago raised to land a kick to the center of his chest. It flung him down the stairs, with his landing sending a resounding thud through the lobby.

As you walked down the stairs towards him, you felt something familiar. He looked liked he was knocked out, but you couldn't be too careful. When you reached him you gave him a swift kick to his side, but there was no movement in reply. Looking around the lobby to be sure you were alone, you reached for his mask to get a glimpse of who this guy might be.

His hand shot up suddenly, grabbing your wrist solidly enough to flip you onto your back. Your legs pushed up against his chest when he stood above you, thrusting him back against the stairs. "Who the hell are you?" you panted, "what do you want?"

The man paused, slowly raising his hands to his face. You anxiously awaited his reveal, poised to resume the fight at any moment. When he pulled it away you gasped, covering your mouth and stumbling back against the wall.


"(Y/N), I need you to stop."

He knew. But you didn't know how much he knew. You tried to sway the conversation towards him. "You're Daredevil? You, Matt? Blind Matt?"

"Well," he scoffed, "I prefer just to be called 'Matt', but if we need to label it..."

"You know what I mean." You glanced down at your watch, now having only six minutes to reach your date. "Matt, I have to meet Foggy. Can we discuss this later?" You began to back away and towards the front door, but he grabbed your arm. "You need to stop. You're going to get yourself killed, and what do you think that will do to him? Have you thought of that?"

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