Breaking Out (Pietro Maximoff x reader)

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"Why is it that your pretty face is always buried in a book, (Y/N)?"

When you didn't reply, Pietro sat in the chair next to you with a huff, the sound echoing in the small library that your father had built for you. You had read nearly every book there, and tried to add at least one or two more to the collection as often as you could. Reading was a great escape from the crazy Avengers world, so when you held a book in your hands, you were shut out to almost everything around you.

"(Y/N)? Are you in there?"

"Hmm?" you hummed absentmindedly, finally looking up at him. "Oh, sorry. I was just lost in thought." Gently folding down the corner of the page, you shut the book and set it aside, turning to face him for your full attention. "What's up?"

"I have a plan," he smirked. A smirk that you had a hard time saying no to, and he knew it.

"That doesn't usually end well."

He leaned back in the chair with a small grin, briefly thinking back to a few exploits that ended in a rage-filled Tony or a worried Natasha, followed by the inevitable lecture about safety and other dull topics that he generally shut out. Pietro glanced over at you but his gaze quickly returned to his hands, folded in his lap.

"We should go out tonight. You stay inside too much, (Y/N), always reading or in your room. You should go out and see the world, since you live a life where you actually could at any time."

You groaned at his words, having had this conversation several times before. You liked your solitude, and being around people, particularly new people, wasn't in your comfort zone. "Just because my dad is Tony Stark, the flamboyant extrovert and self-assured Iron Man, it doesn't mean that I'm the same." Grabbing your book again, you pulled your knees up and rested it against them, ready to dive into the story again so he would drop his plans for you.

Pietro stood as you watched from your peripheral vision, taking a few steps to stand in front of you, unmoving now. He wanted your attention; when you didn't offer it willingly, he put his hand down over the words in front of you until you finally looked up.

"I will be at your door at midnight."


"He's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me, crap, I'm so dead," you whispered to yourself, waiting for Pietro to arrive. "Dad is totally going to kill me."

You closed your eyes at the soft knock on your door and paused to consider what you were doing. With a shaky sigh, you opened the door and relaxed at the wide smile that greeted you, quickly forgetting all about the all-too-real threat of Tony's wrath if he found out what you were doing.

"Are you ready?"

"Depends. What are we going to-"

With the swing of his arm under your legs and another at your back, you were gone in a flash, finding yourself suddenly standing just outside of the tower. He set you down gently and kept hold of your hands, watching and waiting to be certain that you were handling the fast move. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you."

"I'm fine, Piet, no worries," you mumbled, looking up at the tower and wondering if you should change your mind before things went too far. "I don't know about this. If he finds out that I snuck out in the middle of the night, and with you? You know he'll lose it, and take it out on you more than me."

Pietro shook his head and grabbed your hand to pull you along down the city sidewalk, "you worry far too much, (Y/N). I promise to have you home well before your father wakes, and he'll never know. It's good to take risks sometimes. Live a little."

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