F*** Yeah (Rogers Tumblr Drabble)

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Based on the above video (WARNING:  LANGUAGE!!!): let the title help you decide if you continue.

You couldn't help it; once the song was stuck in your head, it was there for days and days on end. It was the mother of all earworms, made worse when the captain of patriotism entered the room, reminding you of your firm belief that it should be his new theme song.

"Every time, (Y/N)? Just once, can I walk into a room and not hear you humming that?"

"Sorry, Steve, I can't help it. I just kinda happens."

"Have you ever stopped to count how many times they use that word?" he sighed, grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator, twisting off the cap and tossing it into the nearby garbage. He leaned back against the sink and took a quick drink, pausing to watch you sing the song in your head and count. "I'm waiting."

"Thirty-seven," you affirmed with a small nod, satisfied with your memorization of the song.

You chuckled when he spat his water out, coughing at the realization that you had actually counted and that there could be so many expletives in just one song. "And you want that to be my theme song?!"

"Fuck yeah!"


"(Y/N), this time you've gone too far. Change it back."

You pushed out your lip in a small pout and grabbed his phone, quickly tapping on the screen as he watched, though not fully paying attention. "You're such a baby. I think it's funny."

"Well it's not funny when my phone rings during a meeting with the council and I don't know how to stop it." With a huff, he grabbed it back and shoved it in his pocket, already late to the team debriefing from their latest mission. He stopped at the door and turned to point at you, doing his best to keep a straight face, "now that's it, right? No more surprises that I should be aware of?"

"Nope," you grinned, "that's it."

"Mmm hmm," he murmured in disbelief. "I've heard that before."

When the two of you entered the conference room, the team was gathered around Tony, scurrying quickly to their seats at the sight of Steve. Once everyone had settled, he pulled out his tablet to begin the meeting.

"Hey, Cap, before you start, can I update everyone on that marketing campaign Fury started?" Tony asked, turning his seat towards the large screen at the front of the room. "So you all remember that train wreck Banner just did with Sesame Street, right?"

Bruce gently laid his forehead on the table as the images of him dancing with a furry red muppet lit the room, letting out a small whimper. "Why, Tony? Why would you do that to me?"

"Anyway," Stark continued, "here's what we've worked out for Cap." The screen changed to archival footage of Captain America fighting from WW2, with huge leaps and explosions, all to the theme of the song that Steve just had you remove from his phone only moments before.

You were almost worried about the redness building in his face as he slowly turned to look at you, the room now bursting with laughter from the team. All he could do was sigh and lean forward, resting his head in his hands with a loud groan, "that's not going away any time soon."

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