You Know Who I Am (Tony Stark x reader)

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She's doesn't even know who I am. How can she not know who I am?

Have you tried talking to her?

I'm working up to it.

Since when is Tony Stark scared of a girl?

You're one to talk, Banner. When was the last time you saw any action?

As Tony texted and walked around lake in the middle of Central Park, he hoped to see you walking your dog as you did every day for the past month. It was the only reason he was there. The first time he saw you was completely an accident as he tripped over your leash, not watching where he was going. Every day since then, he watches intently, eager to get a glimpse of you, or if he's really, really lucky, finally have a conversation. After walking for an hour, he was ready to give up. He had stopped to take six pictures and give countless numbers of autographs to fans of Iron Man, but still no sign of you.

I think she's avoiding me now. She thinks I'm a stalker.

Says the man who has FRIDAY searching for her.

Point taken.

"Milton! Milton get your furry ass back here!"

Tony looked up from his phone to see you, frantically chasing your dog who had escaped his leash and was sprinting straight towards him. He knelt down and held out his arms, trying to steer the dog over in an effort to steer you as well.

"Come on, Milton. Come to Tony. Come a brother out."

The dog ran willingly into Tony's arms and began licking his face and jumping on him, excited at the new stranger. "Ok, mutt, cool it. We're gonna look like this is a set up."

You ran up to the man holding your stupid dog, panting and holding your side. "Hey...thanks for...catching...him." Bending over slightly, you put your hands on your thighs, trying to catch your breath. ""

"You okay?" Tony grabbed the end of the leash, hooking it back on Milton and taking it from you. "Here, take this." He handed you his bottle of water and directed you to a nearby bench. Lifting your hand slightly, you declined the water but gladly accepted the brief rest.

"Thanks, but I don't share with strangers. I appreciate it though."

"I don't think we're strangers anymore. I practically made it to second base with your dog back there." Hearing his own words, he laughed at how ridiculous they sounded. He sat next to you, but not too close, worried he might scare you off. "I mean...uh, I don't know what I was going for, actually."

You laughed until you snorted; you quickly covered your mouth, now completely mortified. It was an involuntary response to being nervous, and this guy made you extremely nervous but you didn't know why. You had seen him almost every day as you walked Milton, and he seemed nice enough. He was ridiculously attractive though; the kind of attractive that made you think he knew it, and that he used it to his advantage.

"Okay, that was adorable."

"Shut up, it was not!" Shaking your head, you took the leash back and stood, preparing to continue your walk.

Tony knew he didn't want you to leave, quickly standing with you. "Would you, um, mind if I walked with you for a bit? Maybe just to the other side of the lake?" Before you could answer, a small group of kids ran up to him, excited to see Iron Man in the park.

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Iron Man! Could we take a picture with you? Pleeeeease?"

Giving you a brief, apologetic smile, he turned and knelt down in front of the group and gave his best Iron Man pose, trying to not show how much he would rather be walking and talking with you. When he was done and had said goodbye to the last child, he turned to see that you were gone.

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