Daredevil (Rogers/Murdock x reader)

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"Well, you're home awfully late."

You startled as you entered the tower, thinking no one would be up at this late hour. The building was dark and quiet, so when Steve spoke it was as if he was surrounding you. Sliding your knife back into your boot, you spoke out in no specific direction. "Yeah, had some...business to take care of."

A shadow moved to your right, then the form of Steve emerged to stand directly before you, his arms crossed over his chest, his back straight and tense.

"So I've heard, (Y/N). So I've heard."

I was just an average night, you were walking back to the tower from a night out with a few friends; nights out were rare since you began working with the Avengers. Days and nights were filled with training and missions as friends and family took a backseat to the needs of the team and of the world around you. Being an Avenger was your life, but sometimes stepping away for a few minutes was essential to your sanity.

Walking thru the city alone at night used to make you nervous, but now you knew you could handle yourself no matter what or who came along. As you walked you were texting Steve, who always worried about you when you weren't home by a time of his liking.

I'm almost there, Cap. You need to chill.

Very funny. Is that a joke?

Is what a joke?

Chill. Ice. Capsicle?

Good one, Steve. That was all you.

How far away are you?

Really, stop worrying. I can handle

You never finished the final text as a hand went over your mouth and pulled you back into the nearby alley. You didn't struggle, knowing that you would be able to overtake him easily. You just didn't feel like handling it out in the open on the street for anyone to see.

"Hey, sweet thing. You're making this too easy."

(Y/N), are you there?

Your phone buzzed with repeated texts from Steve, now becoming worried.


If you don't reply, I'm coming after you.

(Y/N), I'm on the way.

"Aw, is someone worried about you, honey? Is that your fella? Well he shouldn't worry, cuz I'm gonna take real good care-"

The man's hand was pulled from your face as another man dressed in red body armor and mask threw him against the building wall. The assailant slumped to the ground as the man repeatedly punched him, blood now covering his fists. "You think you're a big man? You think you were just gonna get away with this and no one would know?"

"Hey, hey, I think you can stop now," you said as you walked towards them. "He looks like he's out. I don't think he can hear you."

The new man in the mask stood, breathing heavily, looking towards you with his hands now at his sides. "You seem pretty calm after all this."

"Well, thank you for your assistance, but really, it takes a hell of a lot more than that to scare an Avenger." You said as you grabbed your phone to quickly stop Steve from searching the streets for you, and so he wouldn't know what had just happened.

Sorry, dropped my phone. B there in a few minutes.

The man took a cautious step towards you, his head tipped to the side, confused. "Did you just say that you're an Avenger? For real?"

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