Daddy Issues (Stark/Quill x reader)

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He probably didn't even know you were gone. That selfish jerk was up in his lab working on some stupid project that was bound to fail, and likely had no clue that you were now standing on the sidewalk outside, ready to run. To you, it was just one more disappointment in a long line of parental failures; before Iron Man, and before the Avengers, he was at least a descent parent. Was he a model father? No, of course not, this was Tony Stark. Before he decided to save the world, he at least took the time to do things with you, to teach you about the life around you, and he gave you the attention that you wanted from him as a father.

Once he joined the Avengers, it began to change, and once they all moved into the tower, it became worse than ever. He was too wrapped up in the business, and too focused on making the world safe rather than being a part of yours. He didn't completely ignore you, and he would be there when it was asked of him, but his lack of initiative to be there for you because it was right was enough to finally drive you away at the young age of only 15 years.

Your mother was an Inhuman; something that wasn't known when you were born, and something that even your father didn't know until you showed signs only recently. You had the ability of energy manipulation, with the power to absorb, amplify, scatter and negate kinetic, radiant, and gravitational energies. You were meant to join the Avengers one day, but now you would never join a team that had so completely taken your father from you.

One thing that Tony had given you was a flair for the dramatic, and to be the center of attention in any room. If you were walking away, you wanted him to give him a parting gift. Looking up at the tower, you focused your mind on the reactor that illuminated it so brightly in the night sky. Your eyes were fixated on the large A that hung above you; a symbol of all that you had come to despise. You waited several minutes for the sidewalk around you to clear before you began to walk away, smiling to yourself as the tower went dark and the massive symbol dropped from its perch and crashed to the ground behind you.

~~~(Ten Years Later)~~~

"Hey, babe, have you seen my right shoe?"

"Which one?"

"The one that goes with the left one!"

You stuck your head out around the corner from the back of the ship, looking at your fiancé with confusion and exasperation, "I meant which shoes, dumbass. Which pair of shoes are you wearing?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry," he mumbled, "these!" Peter stuck his foot in the air so that you could see what he was looking for, then waited in that position, expecting you to find it right away.

"You can put your foot down."

With a huff, he lowered his foot and stood to join you. He waited in the door of your shared quarters, watching you get dressed. "I just want to look good, so I thought these would be the best."

You turned around slowly, knowing that he never cared about what he was wearing enough to spend even a minute looking for anything. "Look good for what, exactly?" Stepping towards him, you gave him a skeptical look and poked him in the chest. "What are you up to, Quill?"

He opened his mouth and gasped as if he were completely shocked at your insinuation, "why would you think I'm up to something? That's just rude, (Y/N). I'm very offended."

"Okay, now I'm sure you're up to something. You're a terrible liar." You pushed him aside and hurried towards the front of the ship, stopping short when the view from the windows had changed drastically from when you last looked. The solar system had become all too familiar, and the planet directly ahead gave you an unnerving sense of dread. "No. Pete, no."

"Why not?" You felt his hands on your shoulders but you shrugged him off. "(Y/N), come on. He's your dad. Don't you think that he should know that your getting married? Don't you think that it's time to put everything behind you and move on?"

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