Undercover (Steve Rogers x reader)

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"You guys, grow up. This has to be you. No one is gonna believe it if any of us pair up, and we need her skills to get inside their heads," Tony insisted. "Cap, off you go. Natasha's ready to darken up that hair, and you need to let your beard grow in."

Steve's eyes widened as he looked at Tony and then to you, "you aren't serious. You're not."

Tony grabbed Steve's shoulders and spun him around, giving him a solid push towards the exit and a firm slap on the arm. "Everyone knows what you look like, genius. Can't be undercover if you don't cover."

Once the Captain gave in and finally left the room, Tony turned to you with a wide grin full of mischief, and you were immediately worried about your own fate for this mission. "You, young lady, have something special." He opened a drawer at his work station and pulled out a box that held a beautiful diamond ring of at least three carats, at your best guess.

"No. Hell no," you resisted, holding your hands up and trying to back away. "Tony, that looks real. I can't."

"It is, and you will."

He smiled as he walked around the table, holding the ridiculously expensive bauble between his fingers. "Now don't worry, sweetheart, it's just a loan. We have to make this as convincing as we can. Gimme," he commanded, taking your left hand and sliding the ring over your finger. "See? Perfect fit."

You looked down at your hand in disbelief, terrified by the trust he was placing in you with it. A slight wave of nausea came with the realization of how real they were making your identities; how far would they make you go into it? You had only worked and trained with Steve directly a handful of times, normally being paired with Clint or Natasha for stealth missions rather than the smash and grab type that Steve led.

"So, um," you said with a quiet cough, "any other surprises for me?"

"Of course! This is me! I came up with this genius move all on my own!" Tony ran to the back of the lab but you lost sight of him and it only made you more nervous as to what he would appear with. When he finally came back into the light, your jaw dropped and your heart felt like it had sunk into your stomach.

"Check it out!"

"Tony," you choked, "even you can't be this cruel." You covered your mouth with your hand and stared at him, "how do you expect me to work in that thing?"

His smile only grew as he held up the vest in front of himself, laughing out loud at the thought of you wearing it.

"No one is gonna shoot an expectant mother, right?"


After a week of studying the personalities, routines and acquaintances of your targets, the two of you felt confident enough in your own covers to begin the mission. You were expected to infiltrate a group believed to be a developing HYDRA cell, but posing as a marital support group led by the two people you were assigned to take out.

"You're shaking," you whispered to Steve, sitting next to you in the circle of what appeared to be married couples. "Calm down."

He reached over and took your hand, but you had to fight the urge to pull it away. Of course your "husband" would hold it, so you should be better prepared for casual contact with Steve.

"I am calm," he whispered back, "it's...chilly in here."

You chuckled quietly at his lame attempt at a lie and gave his hand a squeeze as the group leaders walked into the room. Now would be the moment of truth; would they recognize you? Your face wasn't as well known as some of your teammates, but even with his darker hair and beard, Steve had features that were hard to conceal.

Imagine If You Assembled the Avengers: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now