Hooking Up Sounds So Crass (Rogers/Stark x reader)

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When you woke up you were a bit disoriented, looking around the room and not immediately recognizing it. Sunlight was peeking in through the heavy curtains on the window, but you could tell that it was an early morning light, so you couldn't have slept too late.

Your phone was thankfully on the bedside table; you grabbed it to check the time and gasped when you saw that it was already 8am and you had to be to work at Stark Industries by 9. You rolled to your other side and the realization of where you were struck you. You had spent the night at the Avengers tower after the Christmas party that your boss had held there, and you were now waking up next to one of them.



"Steve, you need to sneak me out of here." You jumped up and searched the room for your clothes, embarrassed at the situation you were finding yourself in. "If Mr. Stark sees me here, I'll get fired for sure."

Steve rolled over onto his back and watched you frantically get dressed and run to the bathroom to freshen up. He stood up and stretched, slowly making his way to stand in the doorframe behind you. "He's not going to fire you, (Y/N). We'll get you out of here, don't worry."

"Easy for you to say. I feel like you have pretty good job security here, Captain."

"I like it when you call me that," he murmured, moving to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist.

"Stop," you commanded, slapping his hands away, "not the time, Steve."

"So how about later, then? I feel like maybe we should have a proper date after this."

You looked at his reflection in the mirror and melted just a bit at his expression, hopeful that you would consent to seeing him again. "Steve, we agreed that this was a one-time thing." You turned around and walked past him to grab your shoes and avoid the conversation. "Mr. Stark wouldn't approve and you know it. Now, how do I get out of here without getting caught?"

Steve couldn't help but feel disappointed that he wouldn't be seeing you again, but he didn't want to push something that you didn't want to pursue. "Follow my lead," he sighed.


"Come on, come on," you whispered, trying to will the elevator to move faster. You looked at your phone nervously, seeing that the time was 9:15, hoping that your boss was running late too or that he was anywhere other than his office where he would see your late arrival. When the elevator finally opened, you slowly peeked your head out to find the office empty, and you let out a long sigh of relief. You threw your purse in your desk and flung your coat over your chair, sitting down to take a moment to catch your breath.

"Good morning, (Y/N). Nice of you to join us."

Shit. "Good morning, Mr. Stark. How are you doing today?" You gave him your best smile and hoped that he was going to let your tardiness go.

"Oh, I'm just great," he replied with a smirk, "I think this is the best morning that I've had in a long time. How about you? How was your morning, (Y/N)? Was it just the best ever?"

Oh god, did he know? Did he know that you left the party with Steve and never went home? No, he couldn't know; you left late this morning, so he shouldn't have been there to see you. "Nothing special, sir." You were desperate to change the subject as you could feel the redness building in your cheeks and it would be a dead giveaway. "I'm just going to get a few things ready for your 10am meeting, is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, (Y/N), not for me."


"I'm picking you up at 6." It wasn't a question, but a command for you to be ready; Steve just wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. "If you still feel like we shouldn't see each other after that, then I'll step back."

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