Domesticity (Steve Rogers x reader)

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Birthday Boy

It was Steve's birthday today and you were left to make the cake for a party that was starting in a few short hours. Somehow time had escaped you and you were rushing to get it all done. It would be so much easier to just go out and buy the thing, but you knew it would mean more to your husband if you made it yourself. Now the challenge was to make it edible and look halfway descent.

Your first mistake was sending Nat out to grab the decorations for it; you should've known that she would return home with a bag full of Captain America candies and pictures to cover it in, even going to far as to find candles shaped just like him. Ok, those were pretty cool, but the rest was over the top, even for you.

Steve should know better than to sneak up on you, knowing that your reflexes were nearly as sharp as his, but prone to reacting a bit too quickly when you're focused on something. When he made the mistake of kissing your neck without announcing he was there, the normally endearing sentiment ended with you both covered in flour and a cake that would never be made in time.

"Steve! How many times do I have to tell you not to do stuff like that!" You angrily wiped the flour from your face and looked around at your now ruined attempt at baking. "Don't laugh, now you don't get a cake. How about that?"

"Well, it looks like I'm really missing out," he said as dug through the bag of decorations, pulling out the box of candles with a confused look. "What are these?"

"Captain America candles. That was Nat, not me, I swear."

His face shifted to a look of anxiety, pausing to set the box on the counter. "Nat's idea? Um...didn't someone say she was in charge of decorating?" His voice trailed off as he turned to leave without explanation.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" You set your apron on the table and followed him out and towards the common room, stopping at the door to take in the sight before you. The entire room was covered in red, white and blue balloons and streamers, with life-size cardboard cutouts of the Captain staged in various poses randomly placed across the party area. The tables were covered in tiny Cap foil cutouts, sprinkled everywhere you could see. You choked back your laughter and tried to hide your admiration at the job she had done, silencing when he turned to you in shock.

"Okay, so I may have given her a few ideas, but that girl can really commit, don't ya think?"

That's Not On The List

Taking Steve along for grocery shopping was a bit of a chore; within a half an hour he was usually complaining about the multiple lists you were sent with from the team and how none of it was on the diet plan that he had built for them. Now it was even worse for him, being only a few months after the battle of New York; he would have to stop and sign autographs and take pictures for countless kids and bored housewives alike. He would ultimately end up losing you in the store at least twice, but he was great when it came time to haul it all into the tower, so it was worth it.

"Woah, woah, babe, this isn't on the list." He held up a box of pop tarts adorned with the Avengers logo and a picture of Thor on the front. "Wait, when did he do this?"

"Last month. I guess they found out that he's a fan. He looks good, right?"

"Sure, I suppose he does," he pouted, still looking at the box. "But why is he the only one on there?"

"Steven Rogers, are you jealous?" you asked with a smirk, grabbing his arm to follow you to the next aisle.

"No," he sighed, throwing the box in the cart and following behind you. "But I like them too," he whispered, still a pout on his lips.

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