The End?

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[some time later]


The cold wind brushed against his face.

He couldn't take any longer. They'd catch him if he did.

He raced down the sidewalk, occasionally glancing over his shoulder and often pulling the hood of his coat over his head when it fell off due to both the wind and his pace.

A million thoughts paced his mind.

How much farther!?

How'd they find me?!

What do they want...?

He made it a good few miles, ignoring his legs when they screamed for him to rest. It was a moment of life or death. At least, that's what his mind told him.

But he was cold, fearful and tired now, and these feelings didn't mix well with each other.

He stopped a minute, breathing heavily. The winter cold seemed to get colder on him, until he realized his movement had most likely been the only thing keeping him warm.

A break had been nice, but he needed to keep going. He wasn't safe until he made it back.

He took a step forward, but someone gently grabbed his arm as he did.

His eyes got suddenly wide in fear when a voice snickered.

Someone's warm breath fell against the back of his neck as they purred:

"You should've kept running, Vincent..."


(((Ah, don't y'all just love cliffhangers? They're such lovely creatures...)))

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