Chapter 27

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~Vincent's POV~


"'Vincent!?'" She said in a tone that was obviously meant to mock me. I groaned.

"Ali, would you be a dear and watch this imbecile? I've got things to do."


"Oh, and don't have too much fun without me, dear." He purred. I imagined he was probably eyeing me and giving me that psychopathic grin.

I took a deep breath as I heard footsteps walking away.

I was suddenly reminded of the cut he'd given me as it began to sting quite a bit. I groaned in pain. Ali laughed a bit.

"Stop laughing at me, you traitor," I muttered coldly.

"Ah... I'm sorry Vincent." She said, seeming to calm down a bit as her laugh turned to a short chuckle. "It's just you're quite adorable when you're completely helpless."

I felt her run her fingers through my hair and jerked away, scowling. "I was starting to trust you a bit, you know." I muttered.

She chuckled at this and put a knife to the side of my neck. I sucked in a breath, bracing myself for anything she could do to me.

She slowly drew it away from my neck, but before I could let out a sigh of relief, she lashed out and left a cut on my cheek. I gritted my teeth as I felt blood leak down my face.

I heard the knife hit the ground. She'd apparently got rid of it.

She chuckled. I felt her breath against the side of my neck as she purred, "I'm sorry Vincent. But I guess some things just have to be done..."


~Your POV~

"Mike! I'm here!" You yelled as you walked inside Mike's house.

You glanced around as Mike ran in.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He said, chuckling as Scott peeked in behind him.

"Nice house you got here, doofus." You remarked, smirking as you glanced around, studying the building. "Ya know, I always thought you lived under a bridge or something."

"Haha, very funny." He muttered. "Now come on!"

You followed him into the living room and sat down on a couch between Jeremy and Scott. Mike sat down on the other side of Jeremy, groaning as he plopped down onto the couch.

"So, do have any clue whatsoever what could've happened to him?" Mike mumbled.

"Nope." You said, sighing.

"B-But she said she wouldn't hurt any of us... Right...?" Jeremy stuttered, glancing at you and Mike with wide eyes.

"She said that," you said, "but honestly I'm beginning to think that was a lie." Jeremy whimpered at that.

"Hey, (Y/N), can I borrow your cellphone?" Scott asked.

"Uh... Sure, whatever." You muttered, pulling your (iPhone/Android/etc.) from your pocket and handing it to him.

"Thanks," he muttered, turning the phone on and not tearing his gaze from it.

You turned your attention back to Mike and Jeremy.

"Where do you think she went with him?"

"Mike, let's not jump to conclusions. We don't know she that kidnapped him-"

"Really? How much you wanna bet?" He said.

You rolled your eyes.

"Why would she even care about him? Knowing her, if she was going to hurt him, she'd do it right in front of our faces."

"And she obviously isn't holding him for a ransom. She would've reached out to us by now." Mike added.

"Wait, g-guys, maybe she doesn't need him. Maybe someone else does..." Jeremy stuttered. You and Mike stared at him in astonishment.

"Jeremy, you're a genius," you breathed.

"But, who would-" Mike started, but was cut off by Scott.


The three of you turned to Scott, who grinned and looked up from your phone.

"Not to brag or anything, but..." He said, holding up the phone. It was opened to a map that had a location pinpointed on it.

"I found him."

Some Colors Never Fade (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now