Chapter 46

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~le timeskipp! OF MAGIC!!~

~Vincent's POV~

I woke up in that cold dark room again. I must've gotten tired and fallen asleep. Pain shot through both my side and my shoulder. I groaned. My groan came out muffled, reminding me I'd been gagged earlier. I looked down at my hands. They were tied together. So were my feet. I sighed.

I heard the door creak open and looked up. Both of the girls walked in. They had grim expressions on their faces.

One grabbed me by one shoulder, the other grabbed me by the other one. I yelped as they jerked me to my feet.

They dragged me to the door. I'd lost all hope at this point so I just let them take me.

They pulled me out the door, and there, right outside the door, he stood. He flashed a toothy smile and his expression looked sly and sneaky. This wouldn't end well. I knew it.

The girls pushed me toward him. He just laughed as I looked up at him in pure terror.

"Thank you, ladies," the man said, "but I won't be needing you anymore."

One girl stepped up as he grinned and grabbed me by the rope that held my hands together.

"What do you mean, 'you won't be needing us anymore?!'" She growled.

"Exactly what I said, Liana."

The girl grabbed him by his collar, meeting his gaze. He let go of me.

When he let go, I backed away a bit, then turned and came face-to-face with the green-eyed girl. The one who'd gagged me and tied me up. I gulped and took a small step back the way I came.

I didn't tear my gaze from the girl, but heard the man and the other girl muttering a conversation behind me. Before I could do anything else, the other girl- whom he'd called Liana, I think?- said, "Oh, alright!" and then stormed off toward the green-eyed girl.

The man chuckled. I turned around to face him. He grabbed me by my collar and said, without tearing his gaze from me, "That's right. Just stick with your pesky sister."


"I'm sorry, Edha. You're a lovely young lady but you do get in the way of things."

"Well, aren't you just rude today." The green-eyed girl remarked.

"Don't worry about him. He throws a fit sometimes when something gets under his skin." Liana growled. "Now, c'mon sis."

The two girls stalked off down the hallway. I looked up at the man. His eyes locked with mine.

He blinked and looked away, then started pulling me in the opposite direction.

I struggled to keep up with him with my tied feet.

"Where are you taking me?!" I yelped.

He just grinned and answered, "That doesn't matter. Because you're never coming back. At least, not alive."

My eyes widened in terror, but he just laughed like the psychopath he was.


~Your POV~

"How much longer?" You quizzed, staring out the window of Mike's car.

You saw Mike's reflection in the window fixing his grip on the steering wheel.

"Not long." He said, not tearing his eyes from the road.

"I sure hope he's alright," you said, sighing and shaking your head.

"He'll be alright... R-Right Mike?" You heard Jeremy stutter.

You looked at Mike. He just sighed and said, "Honestly, with those two, nothing's very certain. One day they're assassinating people and the next they're the kindest, sweetest people you'll ever meet. They can't stick to just one."

"I'm pretty sure their mind was set on the first one the day they kidnapped Vin," Fritz said. You glanced back at him just as Scott elbowed him in the side.

"You're not helping!" Scott hissed at him quietly. You sighed and turned back around.

Please be okay, Vincent, you prayed silently.


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