Chapter 54

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~Vincent's POV~

I parked out back and made my way through the back door, then sneaked down the hallway.

It was a maze of twists and turns, but I eventually found the place where I'd made my murder. The body was gone, but not the knife and gun. I grinned, even though they looked like they'd been moved.

I picked the knife up and hid it in my pocket, then took the gun and fixed my finger over the trigger. I made my way back around after that, trying to remember where I'd seen Fritz and Jeremy.

I found the room. The door was just barely open. I stepped in.

Fritz automatically jerked his head around to look at me.

"Oh, good! You're here." He said. I smiled, then jerked out the knife. I slashed the ropes that they'd used to bound him to the chair.

Then I looked up at Jeremy, and my smile disappeared.

His shoulder had a serious gash in it and he was unconscious. His shirt had been severely stained with what I believed to be his blood around the gash.

"Oh my god," I breathed. Fritz stood up, sighing.

I ran over and immediately cut Jeremy loose, then gently shook him.

"Jeremy..." I said in a hushed whisper. "Jeremy, get up..."

The boy stirred, then barely opened his eyes. He looked up at me and gave me a sleepy smile.

"V-Vin-Vincent..." He stuttered. He closed his eyes again and let his head fall over, but I caught it with one hand, letting his cheek rest on my palm. I pushed him back upright, then grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

"Jeremy, listen to me. You have to stay awake, alright?" I whispered. He blinked and gave a small nod, but I wasn't sure if he'd actually be able to manage it.

I held up my knife and cut the edge of one of my shirt sleeves off, then reached for one of the ropes he'd been bound together with.

I tied the piece of cloth over his wound. I accidentally jerked it a bit too tight and he let out a yelp of pain, but I just put a finger to his lips to quiet him and loosened the rope.

"That'll have to work until we get out of here. Now, Fritz, where are the girls at this moment?" I questioned, putting my knife away.

"Probably torturing Scott next door."

"Alright, then we should probably get Ali and Mike next, wherever they are."

Fritz nodded, and then we were out the door and into the hallway.

Fritz continued to explain where Ali and Mike should be as I dragged Jeremy, who struggled to keep up with my pace. We turned a corner and walked up to a small door.

"Should be in here." Fritz mumbled, then cracked open the door. Sure enough, Mike and Ali were unconscious next to the door. The girls had set their bodies upright against the wall, which slightly freaked me out at first.

But that's when I realized Ali had her throat slit and completely lost it.

I got down, dropped the gun and reached for her wrist in a hurry, then checked her pulse.

There was none. I sucked in a breath.

"Well, that's one person dead..." I muttered. I looked up at Fritz and Jeremy. Jeremy looked slightly more awake now.

I checked Mike's pulse while I was down there. He was alive.

I shook him. He didn't wake.

I bit my lip, then looked up. There was a desk at the back of the room, pens and papers scattered across it and a glass of water to the side. I smirked as that little lightbulb went off in my head.

I ran over and picked the glass up, then stalked back over and poured it all over Mike. The coldness of the liquid made him shoot straight up.

"Huh!? Wha-" He looked up at me. I chuckled. He rolled his eyes.

"Very funny, Vincent." He growled, then looked over at Fritz and Jeremy.

"Jere! Fritz! You're okay!" He yelped, then ran over and hugged them both.

Fritz chuckled nervously and Jeremy chuckled sleepily and both hugged back, smiling.

"What about Ali?" I quizzed. The three looked up.

"Let's just take her with us." suggested Fritz.

"Yeah, but exactly how many people do you think would show up to her funeral?" Mike muttered.

"Well at least we can give her a proper burial," I snapped. "Now come on."

I reached down and picked up Ali's dead body, then looked at Fritz.

He sighed and nodded. I dumped her into his arms. I'd already carried one limp body out of here and that was enough to wear me out.

I reached and picked up my gun, then jumped in front of the others and led them out the door.

Now we just have to save Scott and get out of here.

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