Chapter 49

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(Things get even more interesting here!!! >:D)

~Vincent's POV~

Tears welled up in my eyes as the bullet collided with (Y/N)'s stomach.

She fell limp in my lap as blood spilled from the wound. I shook my head.

"No... No... Please no! (Y/N)!" I cried. She groaned in pain. She looked up and locked eyes with me for a moment. She smiled weakly, but then fell over as she fainted from blood loss. Blood was spilling from the wound, and quick.

I looked up at the man in pure terror. He was staring at (Y/N). He looked surprised. I don't know why. Maybe he hadn't expected her to take a bullet for me.

I couldn't stand it any longer. I put (Y/N) down and stood up, then stormed over toward him.

He looked up at me. He backed up against the wall.

I ran at him and pinned him against the wall. I glimpsed a knife in his pocket. I reached for and stole it as he fixed his finger on the trigger.

He scowled and pushed me off, then flipped around and pinned me against the wall. I gripped the knife, then threw my arm over his shoulder and placed the knife's blade on his back. He put the gun on my chest and slid his finger over the trigger. We both locked eyes. Both of us were expressionless.

Anything could've happened at this point. I could've stabbed him. He could've shot me.

But we were both still for a moment.

Then he let out a short laugh.

"You can't do it, can you?"

I didn't understand at first.

"You can't kill me. You don't have the guts to do it, do you, Vincent?" He taunted, then laughed again, grinning.

I sucked in a breath, then grinned and said, "Actually, I do."


I drove the knife into him, as deep as I could.

Because in all honesty, I'd had enough. 

~Mike's POV~

A moment ago I'd heard a gunshot. "That can't be good," Ali had muttered.

I had nodded and looked over at her again.

She then shook her head and kept walking. I followed close behind.

We came upon a door eventually.

"Mike, stay out here," she ordered, then grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. She stepped inside, leaving the door slightly open. I just pressed up against the wall.

"Alison! Welcome, welcome. Come in dear."

"Alright drop the act. I know you took Vincent. Why'd ya do it?"

"Ali, it was the only way-"

"I don't care!" I heard Ali snarl. "Besides, does it even matter? I saw his car outside. You failed and just sold him off without a care!"

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding us, Ali. We didn't need you anymore, anyways!"

I heard a loud thud and gasped.

I turned and pushed the door open.


The two girls turned. One had Ali by the neck, holding her against the wall as she flailed helplessly beneath her.

"Mike! What a nice surprise..." The other girl growled, pulling a knife from her pocket. I took a step back, but met her gaze.

"This has gone to far! I've had enough of your little scams! I should've stopped you long ago but I didn't. But I think I see things a bit clearer now." I snapped. "I'm calling the cops! I'm done with you!"

I reached for the phone setting on the desk at the back of the room, but I felt someone grab me by the back of my shirt. They turned and forced me against the wall.

I looked up and watched as the girl holding me passed the one holding Ali the knife.

"Li! Don't do this... Please..." I said, meeting the girl holding me's gaze. My breathing quickened and my heart pounded against my chest, but she just smirked.

I looked over at the other girl as she put the tip of the blade on Ali's neck. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Oh, Ali..." The girl said, smiling innocently, "You don't even have a clue about how long I've longed to do this."

But then she drove the knife into the blonde's throat and brought it down, slitting her throat. Ali opened her mouth to let out a cry of pain, but it was too late.

I shook my head as the girl backed away. Ali toppled over and fell still.

Both of the girls laughed. The laughing rang out and hurt my ears. I wanted it to stop. I wanted it to stop so bad.

"As for you, Mike..."

I refused to look at the girl holding me down as she gently lifted my chin up with one finger.

"Don't kill me... Please... Please!" I said. I was almost crying at this point. I shut my eyes tight.

The girl just laughed. "Kill you? No Mike... You're quite a different story. I don't think I could bring myself to put a bullet between your eyes."

I opened my eyes and looked up at her.

"But I will do this."

She pulled me forward by my collar, then slammed me against the wall. My head collided with the wall so hard I passed out at that moment as their laughter once again rang in my ears.

Some Colors Never Fade (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now